[Reinstall software] Vscode and Anaconda

Reinstall software 1. Software list (brief version) 2. LetsVPN configuration 3. VScode and Anaconda download process 3.1 Download version 3.2 Anaconda Update software Update python error report Method 1, delete the library (invalid Method 2, update pip (invalid Method 3, reinstall Update anaconda error Method 1, update the basic environment (invalid Method 2, create a […]

About Python installation, environment configuration, uninstallation and reinstallation error reporting

Article directory 1. Install python3.8.6 1. Go to the official website to download 2. After downloading, click the installation package to install 3. Test python 4. Configure python and pip environment variables 5. Configure the pycharm environment 2. Uninstall python Problem 1: When reinstalling python, I encountered the problem of being unable to select a […]

Install cuda, cudnn and cupy packages on the Linux server, and reinstall cuda, cudnn and other packages

Updated on December 7, 2023 Install the cuda tool package and cuDnn library on the server, as well as install the cupy package This article is also very good, you can also refer to it https://blog.csdn.net/qq_33200967/article/details/80689543 (If you want to uninstall the original graphics driver and cuda, please see the next chapter) Reference article: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43677710/article/details/131813795?spm=1001.2101.3001.6650.1 […]

anaconda, python uninstall and reinstall and anaconda–443

Uninstall and reinstall anaconda and python 1. Conda creation environment error handling Collecting package etadata (current_repodata.json): DEBUG:urllib3 question: Solution one: Solution two: 2. How to uninstall anaconda3 cleanly 1. Install Anaconda-Clean package 2. Open Anaconda Prompt and enter the command line: 3. Then enter the command line to uninstall: 4. For anaconda3, directly run Uninstall-Anaconda3.exe […]

Sql server 2005 uninstalled and reinstalled

Reinstall after uninstalling Sql server 2005 Sql sercer 2005 needs to be uninstalled before reinstalling. Since the components of Sql sercer 2005 are scattered, it is necessary to find the corresponding location and uninstall one by one when uninstalling. If the uninstallation is not clean, many problems will occur when reinstalling, resulting in installation failed. […]

[Software configuration after ubuntu reinstallation system_memo]

The system environment is restored after reinstalling the system backup install the system Some commonly used deb vscode change sources pip speed up The guy who climbed the Great Wall Install ROS install cmake install git install zsh Open a ssh by the way Mapping to Enhance Well-Being configure neovim plugins font plug-in problems encountered […]

0713 Reinstall anaconda + pytorch+jupyter+d2l system

refer to: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1S5411X7FY/?p=18 &spm_id_from=333.880.my_history.page.click &vd_source=962a7b4bf908f4a139d66d24cc8aa5f8 jupyter reference: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1VW4y147nM/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click &vd_source=962a7b4bf908f4a139d66d24cc8aa5f8 d2l install: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_45814440/article/details/130647865?ops_request_misc= &request_id=&biz_id=102&utm_term=Anaconda d2l installation&utm_medium=distribute.pc_search_result.none- task-blog-2blogsobaiduweb~default-3-130647865.268v1control & amp;spm=1018.2226.3001.4450 d2l solves the problem: https://blog.csdn.net/yuan2019035055/article/details/127078460?ops_request_misc= &request_id=3bc2b9b2ea3d47aa8d674fa6bb9aa4e0 &biz_id=&utm_medium=distribute.pc_search _result.none-task-blog-2 blogkoosearch~default-1-127078460-null-null.268v1control & amp;utm_term=Anaconda d2l installation ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 5] access denied. : D:\Anaconda3\envs\en_pytorch\Lib\site-packages\~mq\backend\cython\ constants.cp39-win_amd64.pyd Cons & amp;spm=1018.2226.3001.4450 (base) C:\Users\Yang Shan>conda create -n […]

Centos8 reinstall yum

I uninstalled the yum command that comes with cnetos8 by hand, and then reinstalled various searches. Some reinstalled under centos7, and some dnf reinstalled yum, but the results were not easy to use. 1. Preparation Before reinstalling yum, please uninstall yum-related participation packages by yourself: uninstall python rpm -qa|grep python|xargs rpm -ev –allmatches –nodeps whereis […]

Uninstall and reinstall mysql5.7 based on redhat release version mysql8.0

Article directory 1. Software selection and download 2. Uninstall mysql8.0 1. View the deployment information in my.cnf 2. Uninstall mysql8.0 3. Delete relevant data after uninstalling the installation package 3. Installation of mysql5.7 1. Unzip the installation package 2. Initialize the mysql database 3. Modify the root password Fourth, install the mysql5.7 client Attachment: create […]