How to synchronize Reset signal?

First, let’s review a more basic concept: synchronous reset and asynchronous reset. Synchronous reset means that when the reset signal is active, the register is reset after the arrival of the next clock edge. The register still maintains its previous value before the arrival of the clock edge. Asynchronous reset means that when the reset […]

rabbimq’s Analysis of Connection reset and MissedHeartbeatException

1. Foreword The rabbitmq message queue is connected to the android front-end to handle business. The mobile network environment is complex and the network signal is unstable, which may cause frequent disconnection and connection of mq. In the log, it is found that there are many such logs, SocketException: Connection reset. Next, we will […]

Download/export problem (uniform return): No converter for xxx with preset Content-Type application/octet-stream; charset=UTF-8

1. Preface The download interface returns download data normally. After the file stream is closed, the response returns success and the console reports an error all content: Probably means there is no converter. Contains the default content type “application/octet-stream;charset=UTF-8” org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotWritableException: No converter for [class] with preset Content-Type ‘application/octet-stream;charset=UTF-8’ at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.AbstractMessageConverterMethodProcessor.writeWithMessageConverters( at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor.handleReturnValue( at […]

vue3-resetFields reset the Form form in Element Plus

vue3-resetFields for the Form form in Element Plus Official documentation Refer to the official website’s sample code: <template> <el-form ref=”formRef” :model=”numberValidateForm” label-width=”100px” class=”demo-ruleForm” > <el-form-item label=”age” prop=”age” :rules=”[ {<!– –> required: true, message: ‘age is required’ }, {<!– –> type: ‘number’, message: ‘age must be a number’ }, ]” > <el-input v-model.number=”numberValidateForm.age” type=”text” autocomplete=”off” /> […]

Web dynpro-01 reset account password

Reset account password Create a new Web dynpro component and a view and a window Create a new group in the view and enter the title text CAPTION Create 4 containers TransparentContainer, select GridLayout for layout, set colCount of the outer transparent container to 3, and set colCount of the three inner containers to 1 […]

PKE8720DF-C13-F10 development board – watchdog resets according to set time

Table of Contents 1. Watchdog Overview 2. Hardware preparation 3. Software preparation 4. Code introduction 5. Experimental results 5.1 watchdog=5s 5.2 watchdog=10s 5.3 Callback function 1. Watchdog Overview Watchdog Timer is a hardware timer used to detect the occurrence of software faults and then automatically generate a system reset or Watchdog interrupt when the programming […]

vue3 encapsulates the form component (3) 02 encapsulates the value passing of the el-dialog component – the use of select selection box, query and reset of the input input box & the steps for using parent-child value passing in vue3

vue3 encapsulates the form component (3) 02 encapsulates the value passing of the el-dialog component – the use of select selection box, query and reset of the input input box & amp; The use steps of parent-child value passing in vue3 Effect 1. Pop-up form-initial page 2. Pop-up form-content 3. After the content is selected […]

React 18 retains and resets state

Reference article Retain and reset state The state of each component is independent. Depending on the component’s position in the UI tree, React can keep track of which state belongs to which component. You can control when state is retained and reset during re-rendering. UI tree Browsers use many tree structures to model their UI. […]