Implement multi-part upload, resume upload, and instant upload (JS+NodeJS) (TypeScript)

1. Introduction and effects Uploading files is a very common operation, but when the file is large, the upload will take a very long time, and the upload operation will be uncertain. If the connection is accidentally disconnected, the file It will need to be uploaded again, resulting in wasting time and network resources. Therefore, […]

Java implements file uploading in parts and resumes uploading at breakpoints

Tips: The following is the text of this article, the following cases are for reference Regarding the first problem, if the file is too large and is disconnected halfway through the upload, restarting the upload will be very time-consuming, and you don’t know which part has been uploaded since the last disconnection. Therefore, we should […]

[Java] Springboot+Vue large file breakpoint resume upload

Colleagues used this kind of large file upload when refactoring the old system project. The first article is this from Jianshu: It is the vue-uploader component written by Mr. Xia: Then after watching it at night, I discovered that there is no backend interface… Then I looked for information on the Internet and […]

Aspect Android buried statistics activity page usage duration onResume onPause, and save the duration

Aspect Android buried statistics activity page usage duration onResume onPause, and save the duration mark: under the project dependencies { classpath ‘’ classpath ‘com.hujiang.aspectjx:gradle-android-plugin-aspectjx:2.0.10’ } 2. build.gradle in the app folder apply plugin: ‘’ // Configure AspectJX aspectjx { exclude ‘androidx.core’,’androidx.appcompat’ } dependencies { ……. //Introduce AspectJX dependency implementation ‘org.aspectj:aspectjrt: 1.9.8’ … } import […]

Spring Boot integrates Minio to implement uploading credentials, multi-part upload, instant upload and breakpoint resume upload.

Overview After Spring Boot integrates Minio, there are two ways to upload files on the front end: Files are uploaded to the backend and saved to Minio by the backend. The advantage of this method is that it is completely centralized and managed by the backend, which can handle authentication, permission control, file and processing, […]

Large files are uploaded in parts, resumed at breakpoints, and MD5 determines whether to upload.

Install dependencies pnpm install spark-md5 pnpm install @types/spark-md5 -D Multiple upload and breakpoint resume function definition CHUNK_SIZE = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10M getFileMD5(file: File) {<!– –> const fileReader = new FileReader(); // Get the file fragment object (note its compatibility, it is written differently in different browsers) const blobSlice = File.prototype.slice || […]

Drag-and-drop form designer – large file segmentation breakpoint upload, drag-and-drop file selection, slice upload, breakpoint resume upload, and upload concurrent number control

Effect display Technical keywords Front-end: vue3 + element-plus + axios Backend: node + express + multer/php Complete code github complete code Drag and drop to select files Drag-and-drop upload uses the HTML5 feature dragover to implement drag-and-drop upload. There are many ready-made examples. <label class=”split-upload-file” @dragover=”fileDragOver” @drop=”fileDrop”> <input ref=”inputEl” style=”display: none” type=”file” multiple=”multiple” @change=”onFileChange” /> […]