Speed and Agility: Deciphering the Secrets of Velocity

: Just work hard and leave the rest to time : Xiaopozhan Speed and Agility: Deciphering the Secrets of Velocity Preface First: Basics of Velocity template syntax Second: Variables and data rendering Third: Conditional judgment and logical implementation Fourth: Loops and Iterations Fifth: Custom instructions Sixth: Macro Seventh: File introduction Eighth: Error handling Ninth: Advanced […]

Velocity template engine

Introduction to velocity Introduction to velocity Velocity is a Java-based template engine that can obtain data in Java objects through specific syntax and fill it into templates, thus achieving the separation of interface and Java code. Application scenarios Web application: As a view for the application, data is displayed. Source code generation: Velocity can be […]

Mybatis dynamic language – mybatis-velocity

Earlier we introduced the use of Mybatis dynamic SQL; in this article we introduce the use of mybatis-velocity dynamic language to generate dynamic SQL. If you don’t know much about Mybatis dynamic SQL, it is recommended that you understand it first before reading this article. You can refer to: Mybatis dynamic SQL – use if, […]

Add animation to web pages using Velocity.js

In today’s web development world, animation has become an integral part of website interfaces. They help enhance the user experience of your website, and here’s how to add beautiful animations to your web pages using Velocity.js. VelocityJS is a JavaScript animation engine that provides us with very fast animations that can be used in web […]

[Ultimate Solution] How does Springboot 1.5 and above support Velocity templates

Table of Contents background plan Implementation steps Step 1: Create an empty maven target project for backup Step 2: Extract relevant code from the spring-boot source code Step 3: Extract source code from springframwork Step 4: Target project finishing Step 5: Secondary development, support VelocityLayoutViewResolver automatic assembly use The component source code and demo project […]

Develop code generator based on Velocity

1. Introduction In project development, we have encountered a large number of simple and repetitive additions, deletions, modifications, and queries. By reading the code generator of the Ruoyi framework https://github.com/yangzongzhuan/RuoYi, combined with The technology stack used in my project developed the code generator for this project. 2. Brief introduction of Velocity 1. Velocity is a […]

Implementation of NS3 node constant velocity movement (ConstantVelocityMobilityModel)

Implementation of node constant velocity movement (ConstantVelocityMobilityModel) In the official examples, only the implementation method of RandomWalk2dMobilityModel can be found, or you can find the sample code of GaussMarkovMobilityModel by consulting the official documents. The following is an intercepted part of the code that implements RandomWalk2dMobilityModel: MobilityHelper mobility; mobility.SetPositionAllocator(“ns3::GridPositionAllocator”, “MinX”, DoubleValue(0.0), “MinY”, DoubleValue(0.0), “DeltaX”, DoubleValue(5.0), […]

Codesys – EtherCAT axis control commands (MC_Power, MC_MoveVelocity, MC_Stop)

The following content is purely personal understanding, please correct me if there is any mistake. This article mainly describes how to add servo axes, and then learn axis control instructions, how to create global variables, and insert traces to monitor output waveforms to deepen the understanding of MC_Power, MC_MoveVelocity, and MC_Stop instructions. Add servo axis […]