Nvidia graphics card Failed to initialize NVML Driver/library version mismatch error solution

GPT has become quite popular recently, so I started to experiment with the GPU to run projects: https://github.com/OpenTalker/SadTalker Today I suddenly found that the program could not be used. After investigation, it was probably due to the inconsistency between the NVIDIA kernel driver version and the system driver version. The solutions to this error are […]

Linux-Ubuntu22.04, [nvidia-smi] Failed to initialize NVML: Driver/library version mismatch solution

1. System: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (64-bit) 2. Question: It was still working normally yesterday. You can check the graphics card version. Today it prompts that the version does not match. I suspect it was because I installed CUDA yesterday? But cuda should not affect the graphics card driver. So, I checked the driver version dpkg […]

(CentOS 7)nvidia-smi:Failed to initialize NVML: Driver/library version mismatch

[CentOS 7]nvidia-smi:Failed to initialize NVML: Driver/library version mismatch Source of problem: nvidia-smi \text{nvidia-smi} nvidia-smi error problem CUDA \text{CUDA} Problems during CUDA installation Here is just a description of a situation I found, I hope it will be helpful to everyone. Source of problem: nvidia-smi \text{nvidia-smi} nvidia-smi error report Server system version: CentOS 7 \text{CentOS 7} […]

MVVMLight mode full selection and inverse selection

view section <Window x:Class=”MVVMLightTest.View.CheckBoxTest” xmlns=”http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation” xmlns:x=”http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml” xmlns:d=”http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008″ xmlns:mc=”http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006″ xmlns:local=”clr-namespace:MVVMLightTest.View” mc:Ignorable=”d” DataContext=”{Binding Source={StaticResource Locator}, Path=CheckedBox}” Title=”CheckBoxTest” Height=”450″ Width=”800″> <Grid> <Grid. RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height=”Auto”/> <RowDefinition/> </Grid. RowDefinitions> <StackPanel Grid. Row=”0″> <CheckBox Content=”Select All” Command=”{Binding SelectedAllCommand}” IsChecked=”{Binding IsSelectAll}”/> <TextBlock Text=”Selected:”/> <TextBlock Text=”{Binding Count}”/> </StackPanel> <Grid Grid. Row=”1″> <ListBox ItemsSource=”{Binding StudentList}”> <ListBox.Template> <ControlTemplate TargetType=”{x:Type ListBox}”> <WrapPanel Orientation=”Horizontal” IsItemsHost=”True”/> </ControlTemplate> […]

Solve the error and version compatibility problems of pip installation librosa, numba, llvmlite in the offline environment

Project scenario: The project needs to deploy a deep learning Python project on GitHub related to audio and video processing in a non-internet environment. Therefore, many packages need to be downloaded and installed in the intranet environment after the wheel package or tar package is downloaded. This process encountered many errors caused by compatibility issues. […]


WMS-Wpf.MvvmLight.SelfHost Introduction In fact, I have been focusing on the front-end and back-end development of the Web before, but due to business needs, this year I was assigned to the company’s automation project team to move bricks, mainly responsible for the development of the host computer. Looking at the uneven development models in the project […]

[Solved] ubuntu: nvidia-smi error: Failed to initialize NVML: Driver/library version mismatch

ubuntu: nvidia-smi error: Failed to initialize NVML: Driver/library version mismatch Foreword: First of all, because I wanted to compile a program about cuda, I found that the helper_cuda.h header file could not be found, and I searched for online solutions to no avail. Then use a simple cuda program to detect and find that some […]

[Solved] The error Failed to initialize NVML: Driver/library version mismatch is reported when the nvidia-smi command is executed

The previous statement is ready elaborate resolve reference The system has automatically upgraded the graphics card driver, and some programs occupy the graphics card, resulting in the inability to update the kernel solution: View loaded drivers lsmod | grep nvidia unload the corresponding module sudo rmmod nvidia_drm sudo rmmod nvidia_modeset sudo rmmod nvidia_uvm unload nvida […]

[Solved] Compile kernel error – Failed to generate BTF for vmlinux

BTF: .tmp_vmlinux.btf: pahole (pahole) is not available Failed to generate BTF for vmlinux Try to disable CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_BTF make: *** [Makefile:1162:vmlinux] Error 1 Use the following commands: $ sudo apt install dwarves The article knowledge points match the official knowledge files, and you can further learn related knowledge CS introductory skill tree Linux entry First acquaintance […]

[Solved] Nvidia graphics card Failed to initialize NVML Driver/library version mismatch error solution

This article documents the error Failed to initialize NVML: Driver/library version mismatch error solution. Problem recurrence $ nvidia-smi –> Failed to initialize NVML: Driver/library version mismatch problem analysis The NVIDIA kernel driver version is inconsistent with the system driver Check the kernel version used by the graphics driver cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version –> NVRM version: NVIDIA UNIX […]