Spring Boot uses assertions to throw custom exceptions and optimize the exception handling mechanism.

Article directory What is an assertion? What is an exception? Exception handling mechanism implemented based on assertions Create a custom exception class Create a global exception handler Create a custom assertion class Create response code class Create tool class Test effect What is an assertion? In fact, Assertion is a feature introduced in Java 1.4, […]

Type assertions in TypeScript

1. Introduction to type assertion That is, for values without type declaration, sometimes when ts type inference, the inference result is incorrect, so ts provides a type assertion method to tell the compiler what type the value here is. , and once ts discovers that there is a type assertion, it will no longer perform […]

09 | Usability Improvements II: Literals, Static Assertions, and Member Function Specifiers

In this lesson we continue the topic of usability and look at other usability improvements brought by modern C++. Custom literals Literals refer to fixed constants written in source code. They can only be primitive types in C++98, such as: “hello”, string literal, type is const char[6] 1. Integer literal, type is int 0.0, floating […]

Cypress web automation 6- Assertions assertion use (should, expect)

Foreword Each test case needs to add assertions. Commonly used assertions in Cypress include should and expect. Implicit assertion .should() You can use .should() to add assertions to the current use case should(‘have.class’, ‘success’) asserts that the value of the class attribute of the element is ‘success’ should(‘have.text’, ‘Column content’) asserts the element text value […]

Junit testing and assertions in JAVA pitfalls

1. Software testing 1.1 Related concepts The classic definition of software testing is: the process of operating a program under specified conditions to find program errors, measure software quality, and evaluate whether it can meet design requirements. 1.2 Software testing classification – Unit vs integration testing – White box vs black box testing – Automatic […]

Python test case assertions

Article directory 1. Common assertion methods 2. Practical use of assertions 1. Source code 1. Common assertion methods Serial number Assertion method Assertion description 1 assertEqual(arg1, arg2 , msg=None) Verify arg1=arg2, if not equal, fail 2 assertNotEqual(arg1, arg2, msg=None) Verify arg1 != arg2, if equal, fail 3 assertTrue(expr, msg=None) Verify expr is true, if it […]