Encapsulates a left-centered iOS carousel view

Rendering UI principles Set the ScrollView to the left, the display range exceeds the scrollview, and customize the reuse mechanism. When entering the screen range, add the view, and when it goes out of the screen range, remove it. Core code // //LBPointLeftBannerView.m //LBPointLeftBannerView // // Created by liubo on 2021/8/29. // #import “LBPointLeftBannerView.h” @interface […]

JavaScript (carousel)

css area *{ margin: 0; padding: 0; } .rotation_chart{ width: 500px; height: 500px; border: 1px solid; margin: 20px auto; position: relative; overflow: hidden; } .rotation_chart ul{ width: calc(500px * 6); height: 500px; position: absolute; } .rotation_chart ul li{ width: 500px; height: 500px; list-style: none; float: left; } .rotation_chart ul li img{ width: 100%; height: 100%; […]

Autoplay carousel without JavaScript timer – CSS animation

Let’s look at the effect first: Look at the code again (see more): <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=”en”> <head> <meta charset=”UTF-8″> <title>Timer</title> <style> * {<!– –> padding: 0; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } body {<!– –> background: #98ede0; transition: background 500ms; font-family: ui-rounded, “Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN”, Quicksand, Comfortaa, Manjari, “Arial Rounded MT”, “Arial Rounded MT […]

Flutter carousel_slider slide show

carousel_slider plug-in slideshow Install plugin flutter pub add carousel_slider Import package import ‘package:carousel_slider/carousel_slider.dart’; Define data //Current image index int _current = 0; //Small control final CarouselController _controller = CarouselController(); //Picture list List<String> list = [ ‘https://p1.ssl.qhimg.com/t01683f3a068943c2e3.png’, ‘https://p1.ssl.qhimg.com/t01e9ee778759020ddb.png’, ‘https://p1.ssl.qhimg.com/t01f7dfb7391d1f1de2.jpg’, ‘https://p1.ssl.qhimg.com/t01aa65ca167724f2c9.jpg’, ‘https://p4.ssl.qhimg.com/t01345cf34a1807d669.png’ ]; Add component CarouselSlider.builder( carouselController: _controller, options: CarouselOptions( height: 150, autoPlay: true, viewportFraction: 1.0, autoPlayInterval: […]

Super easy-to-use carousel plugin vue-awesome-swiper@3, two-way control to realize custom pager and front and rear indicators. Solve the problem of confusion when dynamically obtaining data.

Super easy-to-use carousel plugin vue-awesome-swiper@3, two-way control to realize custom pager and front and rear indicators. Solve the bug of confusion and instability when dynamically obtaining data 1. Requirements, demo renderings 1. Requirement description 2. Demo renderings 2. vue-awesome-swiper 1. Official website address and component installation 2. Detailed explanation of ideas 3. Demo code 1.html […]

How to implement a responsive carousel using CSS?

Gathering sand into a tower, making a little progress every day ? Column introduction ? Example of using CSS to implement responsive carousel chart ? HTML structure ? CSS styles (styles.css) ? JavaScript code (script.js) ? Implementation Description ? written at the end ? Column introduction Journey to front-end entry: exploring the wonderful world of […]

Combine shopify liquid with swiper and swiper animation library to realize a carousel

theme.js adds common video components // js/custom-element/ui/native-video.js var NativeVideo = class extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this. hasLoaded = false; if (this. autoPlay) { this. play(); } else { this.addEventListener(“click”, this.play.bind(this), { once: true }); } } get autoPlay() { return this. hasAttribute(“autoplay”); } play() { if (!this. hasLoaded) { this._replaceContent(); } this.querySelector(“video”).play(); } […]