Hibernate: A simple understanding of cascade and retrieval

1.cascade: Implement cascade cud 1.1.What is cud In Hibernate, CUD refers to the abbreviation of create, update and delete operations on the database. Create: Through Hibernate, you can use persistent objects to insert data into the database. When saving a new persistent object to the database, Hibernate will automatically generate and execute the corresponding INSERT […]

React encapsulated filter bar (including category cascade selection)

One: Demand Classification up to three levels Two: Code Implementation import {<!– –> useEffect } from ‘react’ import {<!– –> useImmer } from ‘use-immer’ import {<!– –> View, Text } from ‘@tarojs/components’ import {<!– –> SpImage } from ‘@/components’ import {<!– –> classNames } from ‘@/utils’ import arrowImg from ‘@/assets/imgs/arrowImg.jpg’ import ‘./index.scss’ const initState = […]

“Vue2 + el-cascader realizes three-level linkage between provinces and municipalities”

0. Renderings 1. Data sources of provinces and municipalities Install the area-data plugin: npm i area-data Tip: The default subordinate level of area-data municipalities is municipal districts. For example: if “Beijing City->Municipal Districts” displays “Beijing City->Beijing City”, you need to find the installed package and change the municipal districts in the data to the corresponding […]

How to implement Cascader cascading selector in vue (only the first level is displayed when all the second level is selected, and only the second level is displayed when all the third level is selected)

<template> <div class=”test”> <template> <div class=”addCitiesList relative”> <div class=”select”> <span>select</span> <el-form :model=”ruleForm” :rules=”rules” ref=”ruleForm” label-width=”100px” class=”demo-ruleForm” > <el-form-item label=”select multiple selection” prop=”selectLabel”> <el-select style=”width: 100%” v-model=”ruleForm.selectLabel” multiple @focus=”selectFocus” ref=”selectIt” > </el-select> </el-form-item> <el-form-item> <el-button type=”primary” @click=”submitForm(‘ruleForm’)” >Submit</el-button > <el-button @click=”resetForm(‘ruleForm’)”>Reset</el-button> </el-form-item> </el-form> </div> <div class=”select”> <span>Cascade</span> <el-cascader style=”width: 100%” class=”cascader” :show-all-levels=”false” ref=”test” :options=”options” :props=”props” clearable […]

el-cascader cascade offset effect

Problem description element2.15.14 The default effect of el-cascade is flat. For example: But usually the cascade is composed of levels. For example: Since element does not seem to have this option, implement it yourself. Solution ideas First, observe the dom structure and find that each level will generate a el-cascader-menu node, that is to say, […]

Blocking queue double lock (resolve deadlock, cascade wakeup)

Preface: All technologies are promoted and developed from the perspective of solving problems. This article will also iterate the code from the perspective of solving problems. This article does not introduce the relevant knowledge about queues and locks. In this article, a circular array is used to implement a blocking queue. The thread that executes […]

Encapsulate a component based on element select and cascader

Not much to say, just go to the code <template> <div> <el-select ref=”elSelect” v-if=”type === ‘select'” v-model=”form” :placeholder=”placeholder” clearable style=”width: 100%” size=”small” :no-data-text=”noDataText” :multiple=”isMultiple” :filterable=”isFilterable” :remote=”isRemote” reserve-keyword :filter-method=”filterMethod” :remote-method=”remoteMethod” :loading=”loading” :collapse-tags=”collapseTags” @change=”changeEmit” @visible-change=”visibleChange” > <el-option v-for=”item in searchOptions” :key=”item.id” :label=”item[optionWord.label]” :value=”item[optionWord.value]” > <span v-html=” getSearchColor(item[optionWord.label], item[optionWord.lastWord]) ” ></span> </el-option> </el-select> <el-cascader v-if=”type === ‘cascader'” v-model=”form” […]

CSS Inheritance-Cascade-Type

1. CSS property inheritance ? Some properties of CSS are inherited (Inherited): If a property has inheritance, after setting it on the element, its descendant elements can inherit this property; Of course, if the descendant element itself has set this attribute, then preferred to use the attribute of the descendant element itself (no matter how […]

element-ui -Cascader cascading selector (selection method processing)

At present, the el-cascader cascade selector of Vue Element needs to click the checkbox on the left to select multiple options or select any level. Goal: Click the label to select it, and click the label again to unselect it in the selected state There are two ways to achieve By adding click event Controlled […]