MySQL constraints & special queries

MySQL Constraints & Special Queries Article directory MySQL Constraints & Special Queries 1. Database constraints 1.1 Constraint types 1.2 NULL constraints 1.3 NUIQUE: unique constraint 1.4 DEFAULT: Default value constraints 1.5 PRIMARY KEY: Primary key constraints 1.6 FOREIGN KEY: foreign key constraints 1.7 CHECK constraints 2. Relationship between tables 2.1 One-on-one 2.2 One-to-many 2.3 Many-to-many […]

C# inheritance, abstraction, interface, generic constraints, extension methods

Article directory Preface Simulation requirements Scenario simulation Highly repetitive needs Initial class structure Inheritance optimization abstract class Requirement 1: Print CreateTime Method 1: Use overloading Method 2: Base class function Method 3: Generic constraints Method 3.1: Ordinary generic methods Method 3.2: Advanced generic constraints, extension methods Summarize Extra: Generic methods and interfaces Generic constraint abstract […]

2023/11/7–C#–The difference between generics and Object types, generic constraints, ArrayList variable array, Dictionary dictionary class in C#….

1. Use of generics Generics is a programming concept that allows you to write code that can handle non-specific data types, thereby improving code reusability and type safety. Generics allow you to write common algorithms, data structures, and methods to adapt to a variety of different data types without having to write specific code for […]

MySQL–constraints, multi-table queries, transactions, three paradigms

1. Constraints Constraints are rules that act on the fields of a table to limit the data stored in the table. 2. Purpose: Ensure the accuracy, validity and integrity of data in the database 3. Classification Constraints Description Keywords Non-empty constraints Restrictions This field cannot be empty NOT NULL Unique constraint Ensure that the data […]

SQL-regular expressions and constraints

Article directory main content 1. Regular expressions 1. Operation 1 The code is as follows (example): 2. Operation 2 The code is as follows (example): 3. Operation 3 The code is as follows (example): 4. Operation 4 The code is as follows (example): 2. Constraints 1. Primary key constraints 2. Self-growth constraints 3. Non-empty constraints […]

Implement global exception handling mechanism in Python projects without specific framework constraints

This blog is reprinted from my personal blog: Preface Global exception handling mechanisms are usually built into mature web frameworks (such as Flask and Django) or are supported by specialized error monitoring and logging platforms (such as Sentry). However, these outstanding frameworks are not designed for global exception handling, and introducing them as just […]

SQL statement constraints

Table of Contents 1. Complete syntax for creating a table 2. Constraints 3. Supplement 1. The role of the numbers in brackets in the integer type 2. Two ways to clear the table 3. Some other SQL statements 4. Query keywords 1. Data preparation 2.where keyword query by keyword grouping 4.Having keyword filtering 5.order […]

Complete syntax, constraints and other query keywords for creating tables

Table of Contents 1. Complete syntax for creating a table 2. Constraints 1. unsigned —–》Unsigned 2. zerofill0 —–》Filling 3. default —–》Default value 4. not null —–》not empty 5. unique —–》only 6. primary key —–》primary key 7.auto_incrment 3. The function of numbers in brackets of integers 4. Two ways to clear the table 5. Add some […]

FPGA design timing constraints 6. Set maximum/minimum delay

Table of Contents 1. Background 2. Max/Min_delay constraints 2.1 Constraint setting parameters 2.2 Constraint description 3. Project examples 3.1 Engineering code 3.2 Timing report 4. Reference materials 1. Background In the design, sometimes it is necessary to limit the maximum delay and minimum delay of the path, such as asynchronous signals without specific clock relationships, […]