YOLOV8 adds epoch after training the model to continue training.

1. First, set resume to True in the startup file train.py, and set other settings as you like. from ultralytics import YOLO model = YOLO(‘runs/detect/train/weights/last.pt’) results = model.train(save=True, resume=True) 2. Modify the ultralytics/engine/trainer.py file Find def check_resume(self) in ultralytics/engine/trainer.py and replace resume = self.args.resume with resume = ‘runs/detect/train/weights/last.pt’; This path is what you want Continue […]

Loop structure (while, do while, for, break, continue)

Loop structure 1. while loop structure Syntax structure 1: while loop Syntax structure 2: do while loop Syntax structure 1: while loop Syntax structure 2: do while loop 2. for loop structure 1. Internal and external circulation are independent of each other 2. Used in conjunction with internal and external cycles 3. The for loop […]

FPGA project: flash_continue_write

In this experiment, we learned to drive flash through spi communication protocol and complete continuous write operations. Continuous writing: In essence, it is still a page programming instruction, two continuous writing methods: 1. Only write 1byte of data each time. 2. Each time a page of data is filled, calculate whether the remaining data is […]

Continued qcustomplot advanced axis application adds graphics section

1. How to manage axisRect 2. How to manage graph 3. Get graphics setting data The code is as follows: #ifndef MPLOT_H #define MPLOT_H #include “qcustomplot.h” #include “datdefine.h” class QCPMarginGroup; class QCPGraph; class QCPGraphData; class MPlot : public QCustomPlot { Q_OBJECT public: explicit MPlot(QWidget *parent = nullptr); ~MPlot(); /** * @brief setMInteractionType sets the user-graph […]

vue-use (continued from the previous article)

Attribute listener (listener) new Vue({ el:””,//Associated interface elements data:{x:12},//data source of vm methods:{},//method filter:{},//filter computed:{xx(){}}, //xx is a computed attribute watch:{x(){}} //x is a listener that listens to the x attribute in data }) The listener is written in the watch attribute. It is a function like methods and calculated properties, but the method name […]

java(2): if, switch, for, while, break, continue

Table of Contents 2.1 Branch structure 2.1.1 if 2.1.2 switch branch 2.2 Loop structure 2.2.1 for loop 2.2.2 While loop 2.2.3 do-while loop 2.2.4 Infinite loop (non-stop without intervention, used for server programs) 2.2.5 Nested loops 2.3 Jump keywords break and continue 2.1 Branch Structure 2.1.1 if Code format: Note: if (condition) {}, () cannot […]

16 Keywords for logical structures if, else, switch, case, default, do, while, for, continue, break, goto

01 if CPU is generally considered a sequential execution machine if(…) {…} 1.General form: if (expression) {statement;} expression: a, use non-0 values to represent true, and use 0 to represent false; b,if(flag) is equivalent to if(flag!=0); c. Floating point numbers cannot be compared with 0, and can only be compared with approximate values; for example: […]

Java Progression – Arrays (continued) Arrays tool class and exceptions

Table of Contents 1. Arrays tool class 1.1 Splicing array elements 1.2 Sorting array elements 1.3 Binary search of array elements 1.4 Copying arrays 1.5 Compare two arrays for equality 1.6 Filling the array 2. Common exceptions in arrays 2.1 Array index out-of-bounds exception 2.2 Null pointer exception end 1. Arrays tool class Overview: The […]