[CISCN 2022 Preliminary Round]online_crt

Article directory Involving knowledge points Code audit Problem solving process Involving knowledge points CVE-2022-1292 vulnerability OpenSSL ssrf Code audit app.py source code import datetime import json import os import socket import uuid from cryptography import x509 from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, serialization from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID from flask […]

C Runtime Library – CRT (C Runtime)

Basic concepts CRT (C Runtime) refers to the C runtime library, which provides C and C++ programs with a set of basic building blocks for initializing and terminating the program. These building blocks ensure proper initialization and cleanup before and after the main() function is executed. The main tasks of CRT include: Initialize static data: […]

SSL/CA certificate and related certificate files (pem, crt, cer, key, csr)

Digital certificates are ID cards in the online world. Digital certificates provide electronic authentication for secure communication between both parties. The digital certificate contains the identification information of the key pair owner, and the identity of the certificate holder is authenticated by verifying the authenticity of the identification information. Digital certificates can establish a safe […]

SecureCRT password cracking (JAVA version)

Applicable version: SecureCRT versions after 7.3.3 – Password V2 algorithm Reference article: how-does-SecureCRT-encrypt-password Intranet common tool password AES-256-CBC encryption Java implements SHA256 algorithm All code: import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.security.InvalidAlgorithmParameterException; import java.security.InvalidKeyException; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.security.NoSuchProviderException; import java.util.Random; import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException; import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException; import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException; public class SecureCRTPwdDecrypt { \t // initial vector private static final byte[] […]

SecureCRT password cracking (experimental environment: win10, SecureCRT Version 9.1.0 (x64 build 2579))

Experimental environment: win10, SecureCRT: Version 9.1.0 (x64 build 2579) 1. SecureCRTCipher.py file #!/usr/bin/env python3 import os from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 from Crypto.Cipher import AES, Blowfish class SecureCRTCrypto: def __init__(self): ”’ Initialize SecureCRTCrypto object. ”’ self.IV = b’\x00′ * Blowfish.block_size self.Key1 = b’\x24\xA6\x3D\xDE\x5B\xD3\xB3\x82\x9C\x7E\x06\xF4\x08\x16\ \xAA\x07′ self.Key2 = b’\x5F\xB0\x45\xA2\x94\x17\xD9\x16\xC6\xC6\xA2\xFF\x06\x41\ \x82\xB7′ def Encrypt(self, Plaintext: str): ”’ Encrypt plaintext and […]

[Compilation failed] MSYS2 ucrt64 win compile and install ros2 humble

Article directory References Why do you want to install it like this instead of directly using the official compiled binary package dependent installation [Unsuccessful] Download and compile the ROS2 humble code test run References msys2 installation and configuration: using linux tool chain g ++ and package management tool pacman C ++ development on windows Manjaro […]

secureCRT reads the server’s password

Windows management machine installs python3 Save the following script as: SecureCRTCipher.py #!/usr/bin/env python3 import os from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 from Crypto.Cipher import AES, Blowfish class SecureCRTCrypto: def __init__(self): ”’ Initialize SecureCRTCrypto object. ”’ self.IV = b’\x00′ * Blowfish.block_size self.Key1 = b’\x24\xA6\x3D\xDE\x5B\xD3\xB3\x82\x9C\x7E\x06\xF4\x08\x16\ \xAA\x07′ self.Key2 = b’\x5F\xB0\x45\xA2\x94\x17\xD9\x16\xC6\xC6\xA2\xFF\x06\x41\ \x82\xB7′ def Encrypt(self, Plaintext: str): ”’ Encrypt plaintext and return […]

The entrance of the dynamic library – VCRT (DLL) and CRT (SO)

Summary: In order to have a deeper understanding of the loading and initialization process of the dynamic library, this article describes in detail what will be done when the corresponding dynamic library is loaded under the windows and linux platforms according to the code implementation of VCRT and Linux-CRT . This article focuses on the […]