[Memo] Install SSL certificate on Nginx server

You can install an SSL certificate on the Nginx or Tengine server to securely access the web server through HTTPS. This article describes how to install an SSL certificate for Nginx or Tengine server. Important This article takes CentOS 8.0 64-bit operating system and Nginx 1.14.2 as examples. Deployment operations may be different for different […]

[Original] View details of SSL certificate file

Certificate file Directory of C:\Users\Zmrbak\ 2023/11/09 14:59 <DIR> . 2023/11/09 14:59 <DIR> .. 2023/11/09 14:01 1,675 www.talker-ai.com.key 2023/11/09 14:01 3,830 www.talker-ai.com.pem Tools for viewing certificates https://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html Download and install. View certificate openssl x509 -in www.talker-ai.com.pem -nout -text Default tools are not added to path. Follow the instructions below and use absolute paths to execute “C:\Program […]

Flutter self-signed certificate

Preface The server in the Flutter project uses a self-signed certificate. If you directly use https request or wss request, a certificate signing error will be reported. HandshakeException: Handshake error in client (OS Error: I/flutter (28959): │ CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED: unable to get local issuer certificate(handshake.cc:359)) or CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED: self signed certificate in certificate chain(handshake.cc:354)) Trust self-signed certificates […]

The latest SSL certificate application and installation configuration 2024 version

The latest SSL certificate application and installation configuration 2024 version Table of Contents The latest SSL certificate application and installation configuration 2024 version 1. Apply for Tencent Cloud SSL certificate 2. Verification of the domain name to which the SSL certificate belongs 2.1. Ensure that your web service can normally access the “domain name” and […]

Python script monitors domain name certificate expiration time and sends notification message to DingTalk

Version 1: Execute the script with –dingtalk-webhook and –domains and then specify the DingTalk token and domain name. python3 ssl_spirtime.py –dingtalk-webhook https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=avd345324 –domains www.abc1.com www.abc2.com www.abc3.com The script is as follows #!/usr/bin/python3 import ssl import socket from datetime import datetime import argparse import requests def get_ssl_cert_expiration(domain, port=443): context = ssl.create_default_context() conn = context.wrap_socket(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET), server_hostname=domain) conn.connect((domain, […]

Istio Practical Practice (12)-Istio Extends the Validity Period of Self-Issued Certificates

For historical reasons, Istio’s self-signed certificates are only valid for one year. If you choose to use Istio’s self-signed certificates, you’ll need to plan to replace your root certificates before they expire. Expired root certificates can cause unexpected cluster-wide outages. We believe that replacing root certificates and keys every year is a security best practice, […]

Protocol HTTP HTTPS SSL TLS SSL Certificate Cross-Domain (Super Detailed Version)

1. Network Computer Network: Computer network, a set of topological structures composed of nodes and edges. Edges are links, the links between routers are backbone links, and the links between routers and hosts are access links. Node, that is, host node or data exchange node, consists of host or data exchange device (or higher-level load […]

SpringBoot_minio sdk uses self-signed https certificate error handling

minio sdk uses self-signed https certificate error handling 1.Problem description 1.1 Error log 1.2 maven dependency configuration 1.3 Current spring MinioClient configuration 2.Problem analysis 3.Problem solving 3.1 Use trusted certificates 3.2 Ignore certificate verification 3.2.1 minio client 3.2.2 minio sdk ignores certificate verification Extension: Supplement minioclient request log 4. Problem summary 5. Appendix 1.Problem […]

Design and implementation of Java graduate academic certificate system (source code + lw + deployment documents + explanation, etc.)

Blogger Introduction: ?300,000+ fans across the entire network, csdn guest author, blog expert, CSDN Rising Star Program mentor, high-quality creator in the Java field, Blog Star, Nuggets / Huawei Cloud / Alibaba Cloud / InfoQ and other platforms are high-quality authors, focusing on the field of Java technology and practical graduation projects? Contact for source […]