Compile TensorFlow 2.14 CC library under Windows + Msys

The TensorFlow 2.9.1 CC library was successfully compiled before. For specific steps, please go to Compile the TensorFlow 2.9.1 CC library under Windows. However, I encountered great difficulties in compiling TF 2.14.0. The specific process is similar to the previous article. Here I only list the problems encountered. If there are solutions, I will give […]

Compile BVLC/Caffe under msys2@mingw

(Refer to, the attempts on this project are written at the end of the article) 1. Prepare development environment Regarding the tools that need to be installed, the above article has made it very clear, so I will copy them below. pacman -S –needed git make patch diffutils pacman -S –needed \ mingw-w64-${MSYSTEM_CARCH}-cmake \ […]

Use msys2 to compile FFmpeg source code under windows

I. Introduction For developers in audio and video related industries, they often need to manually compile the source code of FFmpeg themselves. Although the official website of FFmpeg has provided a compiled executable file (ffmpeg.exe), the executable file often does not contain certain functions (such as the subtitle function drawtext. A specific example is https://blog. […]

How to use MSYS2 to compile the latest version of coreutils source code (the latest version currently is coreutils-9.4)

Article directory 1. coreutils source code download 2. MSYS2 installation and compilation tools 1. pacman -Suy updates the software repository 2. pacman -S msys/gcc install gcc 3. pacman -S msys/make installs the make tool 4. Unzip the coreutils compressed package 5. Execute the ./configure command 6. Execute make to compile (error reported due to a […]

Thought of compiling rsync, MSYS2 VS CYWIN

Author: Liigo, date: 20230812. Foreword: rsync for Windows Because of my work, I need to deploy and run rsync on a Windows server, but rsync officially does not provide a Windows version. So I was wondering if I could compile its source code myself. The first thing that comes to mind is the WSL2 environment. […]

[Compilation failed] MSYS2 ucrt64 win compile and install ros2 humble

Article directory References Why do you want to install it like this instead of directly using the official compiled binary package dependent installation [Unsuccessful] Download and compile the ROS2 humble code test run References msys2 installation and configuration: using linux tool chain g ++ and package management tool pacman C ++ development on windows Manjaro […]

[mingw-w64-x86_64-python in MSYS2] VC 6.0 is not supported by this module

Described in the order of the installation library and the possibility of various errors 1. Follow the normal tutorial_Use domestic source pip installation When installing the python third-party library pandas (after testing, it was found that many third-party libraries will have such problems at this time), the installation was successful when using pip at first, […]

Vscode +Msys2 configure C/C++ environment

Table of Contents Early preparation: Step1: Install Msys2 Step2: Install the compiler Step3: Install VScode Step4: Configure VScode c_cpp_properties.json launch.json tasks.json Step5: Create a C/C++ project Preliminary preparation: First, you need to download and install the following software: VsCode: Msys2: After the download is complete, you need to follow the steps below to […]

windows install MSYS2 (mingw && gcc)

One, Introduction This article mainly introduces how to install the msys environment in the windows environment. Second, software installation steps 2.1 Official website download msys official website link: Download completed: 2.2 Software installation: Select the directory to be installed according to the prompt on the webpage, and wait for the installation to complete. The […]