Caffe-GPU+CUDA 8.0+CUDNN v5+CMAKE+Python2.7+VS2013+Win11 environment construction

I went through many pitfalls when setting up a Windows environment. Here I record the process and some solutions I tried to solve the problems. If possible, it is best to install an Ubuntu system on the machine to run it. 1. Environment (It does not necessarily follow my version of installation, it just provides […]

Caffeine and Redis integrate second-level cache

Why level two cache is needed Through the monitoring system (built by prometheus), it is found that the CPU and memory of the Redis service are high, resulting in a slow response speed of Redis. Because Redis is a distributed cache, local cache can be introduced for cache integration to reduce the pressure on Redis. […]

Solve the problem of python environment installation in caffe (supplementary)

The previous article (Solving the Problem of Python Environment Installation in Caffe_qiuchangyong’s Blog-CSDN Blog) talked about the common problems encountered during the installation process. In fact, there is another one I forgot to add, which is executing the command “sudo python -m pip After install -r requirements.txt”, protobuf installation failed: $ sudo python -m pip […]

Compile BVLC/Caffe under msys2@mingw

(Refer to, the attempts on this project are written at the end of the article) 1. Prepare development environment Regarding the tools that need to be installed, the above article has made it very clear, so I will copy them below. pacman -S –needed git make patch diffutils pacman -S –needed \ mingw-w64-${MSYSTEM_CARCH}-cmake \ […]

[SpringBoot Application] SpringBoot integrates Caffeine local cache

[SpringBoot Application] SpringBoot integrates Caffeine local cache Introduction to local cache Local caching solution selection Caffeine SpringBoot integrates Caffeine in two ways SpringBoot integrates Caffeine method 1 pom application.yml Cache configuration class User entity UserMapper UserService UserController SpringBoot integrates Caffeine method 2 pom Cache configuration class UserService Introduction to local caching Caching plays a vital […]

Redis+Caffeine two-level cache allows smooth access speed

In the design of high-performance service architecture, caching is an indispensable link. In actual projects, we usually store some hot data in cache middleware such as Redis or MemCache, and only query the database when the cache access does not hit. . While improving access speed, it can also reduce the pressure on the database. […]

Based on Spring interface, integrated Caffeine+Redis two-level cache

In the previous article, Redis + Caffeine two-level cache makes access speed as smooth as silk, we introduced 3 ways to integrate Caffeine and Redis as two-level caches Although the method can realize the function, the implementation method is still too rough, and some problems are left unsolved. This article will build on the previous […]

SpringBoot uses Caffeine local cache with expired keys

Tips: Use Caffeine’s expireAfterWrite method to implement expired keys, so an expired key corresponds to a cache Maven project import dependencies <!– cache cache –> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-cache</artifactId> <version>2.5.14</version> </dependency> <!– cache cache implementation –> <dependency> <groupId>com.github.ben-manes.caffeine</groupId> <artifactId>caffeine</artifactId> <version>2.9.3</version> </dependency> Create configuration class import org.springframework.cache.caffeine.CaffeineCacheManager; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; /** * @author lxb * @create […]