Browsers can directly access Dubbo and gRPC back-end microservices. The first alpha version of Dubbo-js is here!

Author: Cai Jianyi Based on the Triple protocol defined by Dubbo3, you can easily write browser and gRPC-compatible RPC services, and have these services run on HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 at the same time. Dubbo TypeScript SDK [ 1] supports defining services using IDL or programming language-specific methods, and provides a set of lightweight APIs to […]

SpringBoot+Dubbo+Nacos development demo

1. What is it Dubbo is a high-performance and excellent service framework open sourced by Alibaba, which enables applications to realize service output and input functions through high-performance RPC, and can be seamlessly integrated with the Spring framework. Dubbo is a high-performance, lightweight open source Java RPC framework that provides three core capabilities: interface-oriented remote […]

Dubbo-Admin overall architecture and installation steps

?Looking back at the overall architecture of the Dubbo service governance system, Admin is a core component in the service governance control plane and is responsible for the service governance, visual display, etc. of the microservice cluster. Admin deployment architecture Generally speaking, the Admin deployment architecture is divided into the following Several parts: Admin main […]

dubbo registered to zookeeper

spring integrated dubbo registration For zk registration center installation, see dubbo official website: provider.xml <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <beans xmlns=”” xmlns:xsi=”” xmlns:dubbo=”” xsi:schemaLocation=””> <dubbo:application name=”demo-provider”/> <!–<dubbo:registry address=”multicast://″/>–> <strong> <dubbo:registry address=”zookeeper://″/></strong> <dubbo:protocol name=”dubbo” port=”20880″ threads=”205″ threadpool=”limited”/><br> <dubbo:service protocol=”dubbo” interface=”” ref=”demoService” timeout=”20000″/> <bean id=”demoService” class=””/> </beans> Provider program: public class Provider { public static […]

Hessian2 serialization supports this feature, making it easier for us to reconstruct the Dubbo interface

We know that the default serialization method of dubbo RPC is Hessian2. First look at the following Hessian2 serialization test code. // ——- MyDto ——- import lombok.Data; import lombok.experimental.Accessors; import; @Data @Accessors(chain = true) public class MyDto implements Serializable { private String id; private String name; private Integer num; } // —— Hessian2 serialization […]

The zookeeper registration center node still exists after the dubbo provider stops the service

The dubbo service is stopped, but there is still the node on zk. In this case, the client will fail to call when consuming. There are many reasons for this problem. Let me start with my solution, which is to upgrade the dubbo version from 2.7.1 to 2.7.3. Ok, after talking about the solution, let’s […]

Dubbo Practical Chapter: dubbo timeout and retry

Dubbo timeout retry overview Timeout can be set on both the consumer and provider sides. Timeout priority: consumer method level>provider method level>consumer interface level>provider interface level>consumer level>provider level When the consumer call times out, a retry call will be triggered. The configuration attribute corresponding to retries is retries. The default number of retries is 2. […]


Engineering structure: Version Information: jdk version: 1.8 springboot-parent version: 2.6.6 springboot version: 2.6.6 dubbo-spring-boot-starter version: 3.0.7 dubbo version: 3.0.7 dubbo-registry-zookeeper version: 3.0.7 curator version: 4.2.0 dubbo-registry-nacos version: 3.0.7 nacos-client version: 2.0.4 Note: The correct version is very important, otherwise inexplicable errors will be reported! ! ! Start the zookeeper service/nacos service locally (omitted) Create a […]

Dubbo integrates Nacos to become a registration center

Nacos is implemented as an important registration center in the Dubbo ecosystem. This article will introduce how to connect Dubbo to the Nacos registration center. Preparatory work Please ensure that the Nacos service has been started in the background Get started quickly The steps for Dubbo to integrate Nacos to become a registration center are […]