STM32CubeMX: Configure FSMC to drive LCD based on STM32F407VE

Keywords: FSMC drives LCD, STM32F407VE Debugging environment: Compiler: RT-Thread Studio Driver generation: STM32CubeMX Development board: STM32F407VET6 core development board LCD: 320x480_ILI9488, driver IC: ILI9488, 3.5-inch TFT LCD 1. Related projects: The following information can be downloaded from this link STM32CubeMX configuration project LCD driver and GUI related code: 2. Create FSMC driver with […]

STM32-basic knowledge combing 10-FSMC control ST7789V-LCD liquid crystal display

1. ST7789V-LCD liquid crystal display 1. A computer I/O device, that is, an input and output device; 2. Data transmission structure, the transmission of light is adjusted through the polarizer, and finally transmitted to the filter, and then different RGB data points, that is, pixels; 3, Key parameters of LCD display ①Pixel: The pixel of […]

The linkage between Netmiko and textFSM fails to match

Description of the problem from netmiko import ConnectHandler import json SW1 = {<!– –> ‘device_type’: ‘huawei’, ‘ip’: ‘’, ‘username’: ‘aa’, ‘password’: ‘123’, } connect = ConnectHandler(**SW1) print(“Sucessfully connected to ” + SW1[‘ip’]) interfaces = connect.send_command(‘display interface brief’,use_textfsm=True) print(type(interfaces)) print(json. dumps(interfaces,indent=2)) Execution result Sucessfully connected to <class ‘str’> # Here you can see that textfsm […]

STM32 uses FSMC to communicate with FPGA

It is very convenient to use the AXI bus in ZYNQ to interact between PS and PL. STM32 can use FSMC to simulate AXI interaction. The ones are 16-bit. Initialize FSMC first #include “fsmc.h” void FSMC_init(void) {<!– –> GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; FSMC_NORSRAMInitTypeDef FSMC_NORSRAMInitStructure; FSMC_NORSRAMTimingInitTypeDef readWriteTiming; \t \t //clock enable RCC_AHB3PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB3Periph_FSMC, ENABLE); RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOB | RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOD | RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOE […]

Cocos Creator’s ultra-succinct code implements finite state machine FSM to create silky character movements

Introduction: The author of this article, Huang Cong, is a college student. During the design process, he consulted the book “Game Programming Mode” to explore a set of character motion control schemes. As a student at school, during the graduation project some time ago, I also encountered a problem that many students would encounter: the […]

OpenFSM is the best C++ finite state machine on the whole network

OpenFSM A simple to use C++ finite state machine. The OpenLinyou project is dedicated to a cross-platform server framework. Write code on VS or XCode, and compile and run on Linux, even Android and iOS without any modification. OpenLinyou: Compile and execute Please install the cmake tool and use cmake to build the […]

Verilog description of finite state machine FSM

The state machine mainly contains three objects: -current state CS -next state next state NS -Output logic out logic OL Description by: ①Three-segment description: CS, NS, and OL each use an always block description. ②Two-segment description: CS + NS is described by an always statement block, and OL is described by an always statement block. […]