CI/CD: GitLab-CI automated integration/deployment JAVA microservice application collection

CI/CD: GitLab-CI automated integration/deployment application collection for JAVA microservices CI/CD: GitLab-CI automated integration/deployment JAVA microservice application collection Install Docker GitLab GitLab-Runner Alibaba Cloud Container Warehouse GitLab-CI GitLab-CI application for Java microservices other problems Maven local repository cache CI/CD: GitLab-CI automated integration/deployment application collection for JAVA microservices In daily development, every time the code is written, […]

k8s deploys gin-vue-admin framework, gitlab-ci, jenkins pipeline, CICD

Jenkins used in test environment gitlab-ci used in formal environment Test environment Create yaml file apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: dtk-go-tiktok-admin-config labels: dtk-go-tiktok-admin infrastructure golang backend test yong.xd data: config.yaml: | max-age: 0 show-line: true log-in-console: true — apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: dtk-vue-tiktok-admin-config labels: dtk-go-tiktok-admin […]

Write a simple .gitlab-ci.yml package deployment project

Server description: project server GitLab In order to use the cicd function of gitlab, we need to install GitLab Runner first Install GitLab Runner reference: GitLab implements CICD automated deployment_gitlab cidi_programmer xiaoQ’s blog-CSDN blog Manually install Jihu GitLab Runner on GNU/Linux | Jihu GitLab After installing GitLab Runner, we mainly write .gitlab-ci.yml In […]

Gitlab + Gitlab-CI + Docker + Fastlane in Ubuntu completes Android automatic compilation and packaging

Frontier Continuous integration in the Android development process is a very important and necessary work. Continuous integration refers to the integration of development, testing, and deployment processes in an automated manner, to realize automatic code building and testing, and to provide rapid feedback to developers, thereby speeding up the software development cycle and improving software […]

GitLab-CI + Harbor + Kubernetes

GitLab + GitLab CI + Harbor + Kubernetes Project Requirements The company decided to adopt the GitLab + GitLab CI + Harbor + Kubernetes architecture to build a CICD environment to shorten the development and launch cycle of new functions, meet customer needs in a timely manner, and realize part of the DevOps process to […]