2023/10/27–C#–staggered array, forEach, two-dimensional array, Array array; array API, variable parameter params···

1. Interleaved array One-dimensional array whose data type is one-dimensional array int[][] intsArray = new int[2][] { new int[5] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, new int[4] { 1, 2, 3, 4 } } ; string[] stringArray1 = { “1”, “2” }; string[] stringArray2 = { “3”, “2” }; string[][] stringsArray = new string[2][] […]

bgl_named_params of boost graph

Introduction bgl_named_params as named parameters in graph Definition Macro BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_REF There are two definitions, one is defined in the class bgl_named_params to define member methods, and the other is used as a global method Member methods in the bgl_named_params class #define BOOST_BGL_ONE_PARAM_REF(name, key) \ template <typename PType> \ bgl_named_params<boost::reference_wrapper<PType>, BOOST_PP_CAT(key, _t), self> \ name(PType & […]

Twelve: Basic use of routing, nested routing, query parameters, named routing, params parameters, routing props configuration, router-link’s replace attribute

1. Introduction to routing 1.1.What is routing key + value = routing, routing is the corresponding relationship between a set of keys and values; a router manages multiple routes; vue-router is a plug-in library for Vue, specially used to implement SPA applications; 1.2.Routing classification (1) Front-end routing 1. The key is the path, and the […]

Vue — router, params and query pass parameters and receive them

You can get routing parameters in the mounted method Method 1: Params passing parameters this.$router.push({ name:”admin”, //The params here is an object, id is the attribute name, and item.id is the value (can be taken directly from the current component or Vue instance) params:{id:item.id} }) //The routing configuration corresponding to this component { //Component path […]

Spark MLlib Params source code analysis

Spark MLlib Params source code analysis Article directory Spark MLlib Params source code analysis 1. Source code applicable scenarios 2. Source code summary 3. Usage and examples 3. Chinese source code 5. Official link 1. Source code applicable scenarios Params is a trait used when parameters are required in components. It also provides an internal […]

Use query and params to pass parameters in vue3+ts project

In Vue 3 + TypeScript projects, you can use query and params to pass parameters. Here’s an example of how to use both of these for parameter passing in Vue 3 + TypeScript: //routing configuration import {<!– –> createRouter, createWebHistory, RouteRecordRaw } from ‘vue-router’; const routes: Array<RouteRecordRaw> = [ {<!– –> path: ‘/example’, name: ‘Example’, […]

DETR, YOLO model calculation amount (FLOPs) parameter amount (Params)

Foreword An intuitive understanding of the amount of computation (FLOPs) and the amount of parameters (Params) is that the amount of computation corresponds to the time complexity, and the amount of parameters corresponds to the complexity of space. That is, the amount of computation depends on the length of network execution time, and the amount […]

[javascript core-10] Various solutions for parsing params parameters

The github address of this article: JavaScript_Everything big front-end knowledge system and interview book, from front-end to back-end, full-stack engineer, become a hexagonal warrior Function description queryUrlPramas() receives two parameters url, attr. If the second parameter is not passed, the object that parses url will be returned. If attr is passed in, only the value […]

The solution to the failure of tf.contrib.training.HParams in tensorflow2.0 and above

The solution to the failure of tf.contrib.training.HParams in tensorflow2.0 and above – Programmer Sought 1. # Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of […]

Vue Router query named route params props

6.5. The query parameter of routing Pass parameters <!– Jump and carry query parameters, to string writing –> <router-link :to=”`/home/message/detail?id=${m.id} &title=${m.title}`”>Jump</router-link> <!– Jump and carry the query parameter, the object writing method of to (recommended) –> <router-link :to=”{<!– –> path:’/home/message/detail’, query:{<!– –> id: m.id, title: m.title } }”> jump </router-link> Receive parameter $route.query.id $route.query.title src/router.index.js […]