Implement application licensing mechanism based on public key signature verification

With the popularity of the Internet and the rapid development of applications, the subscription model of commercial software has become more and more popular. Software companies began to offer subscription-based services, in which users paid a monthly or annual fee for the right to use the software. This model allows users to choose the service […]

Java case RSA segmented encryption and decryption, signature verification, public key encryption and private key decryption, private key encryption and public key decryption, how to solve the decryption garbled code

1. Principle Asymmetric encryption algorithm is a key secret method. The asymmetric encryption algorithm requires two keys: public key (publickey: referred to as public key) and private key (privatekey: referred to as private key). The public key and the private key are a pair. If the public key is used to encrypt data, it can […]

Encryption and decryption algorithm used for signature verification

import; import; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator; import javax.crypto.Mac; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import*; import; import; import java.util.*; @Slf4j public class XYDEncryptUtils {<!– –> /** * MAC algorithm can choose from the following algorithms * <pre> *SHA *RSA * […]

golang jwt (hs, es, rs, ed) key generation, signature verification case

golang JWT signing algorithm and use cases JWT principle View the official lib library Official lib library Choose go language Data structure definition secret.go package secret const KEY_PATH = “keys” type OutSecret struct {<!– –> Secret string // Hash signature PublicKeyFile string PrivateKeyFile string } //Key generation type Secret interface {<!– –> //The key information […]

In mybatis-plus, should I pass Array or List? Take a closer look at the method signature and you will understand it instantly.

The springboot project usually cooperates with mybatisplus to do data CRUD. When we query or update data, we sometimes use in to filter the data. for exampleSELECT * FROM emax_scbg_order WHERE order_no IN (1305679009380433922,1305405259472830465) Regarding the use of the in method in mybatisplus, when passing multiple field values, we are often confused whether to pass […]

Anti-kill confrontation – Anti-kill for finished EXE – Anti-signature code – Universal jump

1. exeProgram generation 1. Use the following shellcode loader to generate an exe program in c/c++ language Loader: 1.c #include <Windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #pragma comment(linker,”/,RWE”) unsigned char shellcode[] =generated shellcode; int main() { __asm{ mov eax, offset shellcode _emit 0xFF _emit 0xE0 } } Use visual studio to compile the loader into an exe program […]

Spring Cloud Gateway implements digital signature and URL dynamic encryption

Article directory What is a digital signature? Basics of Spring Cloud Gateway Implement digital signature and URL dynamic encryption Step 1: Add dependencies Step 2: Configure routing Step 3: Implement digital signature filter Step 4: Implement digital signature verification Step 5: Implement URL dynamic encryption in conclusion Welcome to the architecture design column~Spring Cloud Gateway […]