Unity generates XCode project through PBXProject

1. Introduction Recently, I read some relevant information about Unity exporting iOS projects, but I didn’t see a very complete script to automate project settings. After several days of trying, I finally produced this article. Unity provides a very powerful PBXObject that uses C# code to set various settings of the iOS project. The official […]

MacBook M2 uses Xcode to configure the OpenCV-C++ environment

To install OpenCV implemented in C++ on MacBook, you can choose between Homebrew and source code installation. Here I chose source code installation. Choose source code installation. You must use other methods to install cmake, because I still Use anaconda to create an independent environment and configure the Python-OpenCV environment, so I used conda install […]

iOS Xcode 15 Sandbox: rsync(xxxx) deny(1) file-write-create

Question After creating a new project in Xcode and pod install, I encountered the following problem when running: Showing Recent Errors Only PhaseScriptExecution [CP]\ Embed\ Pods\ Frameworks /Users/liyazhu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/FoundationPodTest-fzqialiskgziqaajuzeodfplvyrd/Build/Intermediates.noindex/FoundationPodTest.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/FoundationPodTest.build/Script-E88C34EA17BFA0AB57 02C3F2.sh (in target ‘FoundationPodTest’ from project ‘FoundationPodTest’) cd /Users/liyazhu/Desktop/Demo/FoundationPodTest/FoundationPodTest /usr/bin/sandbox-exec -D SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_0\=/Users/liyazhu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/FoundationPodTest-fzqialiskgziqaajuzeodfplvyrd/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/FoundationPodTest.app/Frameworks/FMDB.framework -D SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE _1 \ =/Users/Liyazhu/Library/Developer/XCode/DerivedData/FoundationPodtest-FZQIALISKZIQAAJUZEODFPLVYRD/Build/Produg-iPhonesimu Lastor/FoundationPodtest.app/Frameworks/Hyyfoundation.framework -D Script_output_file_2 \ =/Users/Library/Developer/Developer/Developer/Developer/Developer/Developer Xcode/DerivedData/FoundationPodTest-fzqialiskgziqaajuzeodfplvyrd/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/FoundationPodTest.app/Frameworks/KVOController.framework -D SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_3\=/Users/liyazhu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/FoundationPodTest-fzqial iskgziqaajuzeodfplvyrd/Build/Products /Debug-iphonesimulator/FoundationPodTest.app/Frameworks/YYCategories.framework […]

2023 XCode upgrade GameCenter must read

1. Game Center function introduction Game Center in iOS is a game center service provided by Apple, which has the following core functions: Player account system – Provide player account system, you can use a unified Game Center account in different games. Achievements and Leaderboards – You can set the achievement system in the game, […]

How to refresh ForEach to display number of elements after array size change (SwiftUI, Xcode 11 Beta 5)

I’m trying to implement a View that changes the number of displayed items (created by a ForEach loop) when the size of the content array changes, just like a shopping app might change its number of available items after the user pulls down to refresh Here’s some code I’ve tried so far. If I recall […]

Multiple sub-projects of Xcode are combined to develop SDK

Xcode version: Version 14.3 (14E222b) What is this? chat: Xcode multiple sub-projects can be combined to develop SDK. This development method is to include multiple sub-projects in a main project. Each sub-project represents a different module in the SDK, and each sub-project can be compiled independently. By setting these sub-projects as dependencies in the main […]

IOS memory analysis Xcode

The main purpose is to detect whether there is a memory leak in the program MRC target -> build setting -> search for automatic reference counting Screenshot 2020-06-01 pm 4.32.53.png 1. Static memory analysis (Analyze) concept: Static memory analysis is to analyze the code directly without running the program. Analyze the memory status according to […]

cocos2dx-3.17.2 —- xcode 14.0.1 project migration

1. Environment preparation 1. coco2dx version: 3.17.2 2. Xcode version: 14.0.1 3. Python version: 2.7.14 4. Cocos2dx engine code rewriting part. Change the code accordingly, find the code line, and modify it one by one in the newly downloaded engine library on the corresponding mac. (It is best not to replace the engine framework directly, […]

Integrate OpenCV into your Swift iOS project in Xcode and use UIImages

Suppose in your iOS app, you want to perform grabbing or resizing of images with specific interpolation as a preprocessing step for machine learning models. You can’t do this easily with Apple’s native frameworks such as Core Image on Xcode. If you want to stick with Apple’s tools, you’ll probably have to use Metal and […]