Image similarity comparison based on Aidlux

Seal testing process: Use deep neural networks to extract deep features of seals and learn the similarity between seals. One is similar to oneself and one is not similar to others. 1. Siamese Network The Siamese network is a commonly used deep learning similarity measurement method. It contains two CNN networks that share weights (to […]

AIDL+MemoryFile anonymous shared memory realizes cross-process large file transfer

Note: The content of this article is reproduced from the following article: Using AIDL to efficiently transfer large files across processes AIDL AIDL is a way to implement inter-process communication (Inter-Process Communication) in Android. AIDL‘s data transmission mechanism is based on Binder. Binder has a limit on the size of the data to be transmitted. […]

Android Aidl cross-process communication (2)–Exception capture processing

Learn from others who are better, be the better one. –“Micro Card Smart Enjoyment” The length of this article is 1623words, and the estimated reading time is 5minutes Preface The previous article “Simple Use of Android Aidl Cross-Process Communication” introduced cross-process communication processing. The data between processes are interacted through Aidl. Bugs are often encountered […]

AIDL keyword in out inout oneway analysis

The role of keywords in out inout is the directional tag in aidl, which indicates the flow of data in cross-process communication: in means that data can only flow from the client to the server. The server will obtain the complete data from the client, but the client will not synchronize your modifications to the […]

AIDL (Android Interface Define Language) file analysis

What is an AIDL file? AIDL file is the abbreviation of Android Interface Definition Language (Android Interface Definition Language). It is an XML file used to describe the communication interface between Android application components. How to use AIDL files? In Android applications, AIDL files are used to define interfaces for communication between different processes. By […]

Task ‘compileDebug’ is ambiguous in root project ‘xxx’. Candidates are: ‘compileDebugAidl’xxx

The full error log looks like this: All projects evaluated. Analytics other plugin to proto: Unknown plugin type org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.internal.AndroidSubplugin expected enum ORG_JETBRAINS_KOTLIN_GRADLE_INTERNAL_ANDROIDSUBPLUGIN FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Task ‘compileDebug’ is ambiguous in root project ‘SystemUI’. Candidates are: ‘compileDebugAidl’, ‘compileDebugAndroidTestAidl’, ‘compileDebugAndroidTestJavaWithJavac’, ‘compileDebugAndroidTestKotlin’, ‘compileDebugAndroidTestRenders cript’, ‘compileDebugAndroidTestShaders’, ‘compileDebugAndroidTestSources’, ‘compileDebugJavaWithJavac’, ‘compileDebugKotlin’, ‘compileDebugRenderscript’, ‘compileDebugShaders’, ‘compileDebugSources’, […]

Basic use of Android AIDL

AIDL is an Android multi-process communication method. To create a bound service using AIDL, follow these steps: Create .aidl file This file defines a programming interface with method signatures. implements the interface The Android SDK tools generate an interface in the Java programming language based on your .aidl file. This interface has an inner abstract […]