vmware installs alpine-linux virtual machine

vmware installs alpine-linux virtual machine Alpine Linux is a lightweight Linux distribution focused on security, simplicity, and efficiency. It is designed to provide a small and secure distribution suitable for use as an operating system for containerization, embedded systems, and infrastructure. Features: Lightweight: Alpine Linux is known for its small size, and container images are […]

Alpine.js is lean and heavy

It is recommended to have a basic knowledge of js and read the official website documentation first. If you know vue and similar frameworks, you will get started faster. https://alpinejs.dev Alpine.sore can be used in js code to define global data Alpine.store(‘tabs’, { current: ‘first’, items: [‘first’, ‘second’, ‘third’], }) x-text can operate on any […]

How to install Oracle JDK for Alpine Linux

Alpine does not use orthodox glibc. It is recommended not to use Alpine for some systems that strongly rely on glibc. For example, for systems that use Oracle JDK, it is recommended to switch to OpenJDK in Alpine. Alpine officially gives the three major features of Alpine: Small, Simple, and Secure. But in fact, we […]

Build the Docker image of aspnetcore6-runtime based on the Alpine environment

I won’t go into detail about Alpine Linux here, please check the relevant documentation yourself. .NET supported architectures The following table lists the currently supported .NET architectures and the Alpine versions that support them. These versions will remain supported until .NET reaches its end of support date or until Alpine‘s architecture is supported. Please note […]

Linux system management: virtual machine Alpine Linux installation

Directory 1. Theory 1. Alpine Linux 2. Experiment 1. Alpine Linux installation Three, the problem 1. Alpine Linux lacks VIM commands 2. Alpine Linux SSH cannot connect 3. Alpine Linux IP configuration Four. Summary 1. Theory 1. Alpine Linux (1) Concept Alpine OS is a lightweight, security-oriented Linux distribution. It is different from the usual […]

Dockerfile custom image – Based on the java:8-alpine image, build a Java project as an image

Directory 1. Prerequisite knowledge 1. Mirror structure 2. What is a Dockerfile 2. Customize a java project image 1. Create an empty directory, create a file in this empty directory, name it DockerFile, and finally package the java project into a jar package and put it in this directory 2. Write Dockerfile 3. Use docker […]

tengine makes dockerfile based on alpine image-the version used by the company

Dockerfile ######## readme — start ######### # build: ## docker build -t linice/tengine233:v1.0.1.0 . # test: ## docker run –rm -it -e TZ=CST-8 –entrypoint=ash –hostname=tengine233-origtest –name=tengine233-origtest -v /mnt/hgfs/:/mnt/hgfs/axizdkr/ tengine:2.3.3 ## docker run –rm -it -e TZ=CST-8 –entrypoint=ash –hostname=tengine233-test –name=tengine233-test -v /mnt/hgfs/:/mnt/hgfs/linice/ tengine233:v1.0.1.0 # access: ## docker exec -it tengine233-origtest bash ## docker exec -it tengine233-test […]

DNS resolution exception and DNS query optimization of Alpine image in K8S environment

Basic environment ? There is no problem in parsing the alpine basic image of the company’s production environment such as “servicename, servicename.namespace.svc.cluster.local, and it can return the back-end SVC IP normally, but parsingservicename.namespace, There is an exception in servicename.namespace.svc`, and the normal IP cannot be obtained, so I checked the cause and found that it […]

Tengine makes dockerfile based on alpine image

1. Prepare the configuration file Put default.conf and nginx.conf in the same directory as Dockerfile vi default.conf server { listen 80 default_server; server_name localhost; #charset koi8-r; #access_log /var/log/nginx/host.access-$year$month$day.log main; location / { root /usr/share/nginx/html; index index.html index.htm; } #error_page 404 /404.html; # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html # error_page 500 502 […]