Vue implements reading local model files and previewing its animation online

demo address 1. Demand background The company used to need its own internal model library and the function of model preview, so it found a model preview plug-in, but found that the animation could not be previewed, so it specially solved this problem. Disadvantages: After developing this function, I feel that it is redundant because […]

Master CSS animation techniques: create eye-catching page transitions!

Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea: Personal homepage Personal column :《VUE》《javaScript》 Personal website : “Jiangcheng Cheerful Pea” The ideal of life is for an ideal life! ? Table of Contents ? Column introduction Article introduction 1. What is 2. Implementation method transition implements gradient animation transform transformation animation animation implements custom animation 3. Summary ?Write at the end […]

10-animation animation

animation animation -Similarities and differences between transitions and animations -animation-name specifies the name of the keyframe to be bound to the selector, telling the system which animation needs to be executed -animation-duration The animation specifies how many seconds or milliseconds it takes to complete, telling the system how long the animation will last. -animation-timing-function sets […]

Lua tool for playing Animator animations

—@diagnostic disable: undefined-doc-name —@class AnimatorUtil AnimatorUtil = {} local this = AnimatorUtil —@param animator CS.UnityEngine.Animator —@param name string function AnimatorUtil.Play(animator, name) if IsNull(animator) or IsNull(animator.gameObject) then return end animator.enabled = true –If some object components do not have switches turned on, force them to turn on animator:Play(name, -1, 0) end —@param animator UnityEngine.Animator —@param name […]

H5 new API | requestIdleCallback – requestAnimationFram

Article directory Browser rendering mechanism event loop mechanism Macro queue and micro queue Event loop process in browser requestAnimationFrame(rAF) requestAnimationFrame API requestIdleCallback requestIdleCallback API Task splitting Usage scenarios of requestIdleCallback Browser rendering mechanism Will each round of Event Loop be accompanied by rendering? At which stage is requestAnimationFrame executed, before or after rendering? Before or […]

iOS development-Lottie implements pull-down refresh animation effect

iOS development-Lottie implements pull-down refresh animation effect During the development process, sometimes you need to customize the pull-down refresh control. Here, Lottie is used to implement the pull-down refresh animation effect. 1. Lottie Lottie is a widely used animation library, suitable for Android, iOS, Web, ReactNative, and Windows. It parses Adobe After Effects animations exported […]

Create UI images using wave animation in Unity

How to use Just add this component to an empty object in the canvas. It is highly recommended that you put this object into its own canvas/nested canvas as it will smear the canvas every frame and cause the entire mesh to be regenerated. Note: Sliced images are not supported. using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using […]