Java thread pool – Executor framework

Article directory 1. Executor interface 2. ExecutorService interface 3. ThreadPoolExecutor class 1. Status 2. Worker 3. Extension 4. ForkJoinPool class 1. Work stealing algorithm 2. Fork/Join design 3. Execution principle 5. ScheduledThreadPool class 1.ScheduledExecutorService 2. Compare Timer 6. Executors class The Executor framework was introduced after Java 5. After Java 5, starting threads through Executor […]

Spring’s own thread pool ThreadPoolTaskExecutor

Spring default thread pool simpleAsyncTaskExecutor The interface class of Spring asynchronous thread pool is TaskExecutor, which is essentially java.util.concurrent.Executor. If there is no configuration, simpleAsyncTaskExecutor is used by default. @Async demonstrates Spring’s default simpleAsyncTaskExecutor @Component @EnableAsync public class ScheduleTask {<!– –> SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(“yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”); @Async @Scheduled(fixedRate = 2000) public void testScheduleTask() {<!– […]

“Multi-threading Killer” Python concurrent programming tool: ThreadPoolExecutor allows you to easily start multiple threads at one time and kill a large number of tasks instantly!

As program complexity and data volume continue to increase, traditional synchronous programming methods can no longer meet the needs of developers. Asynchronous programming emerged, providing higher concurrency performance and better resource utilization. Python’s concurrent.futures module is a good asynchronous programming tool. It provides a set of interfaces for convenient concurrent programming. Python already has the […]

“Multi-threading Killer” Python concurrent programming tool: ThreadPoolExecutor allows you to easily start multiple threads at one time and kill a large number of tasks instantly!

As program complexity and data volume continue to increase, traditional synchronous programming methods can no longer meet the needs of developers. Asynchronous programming emerged, providing higher concurrency performance and better resource utilization. Python’s concurrent.futures module is a good asynchronous programming tool. It provides a set of interfaces that can facilitate concurrent programming. Python already has […]

Meituan Dynamics ThreadPoolExecutor underlying implementation source code actual combat

Opening: Introducing springboot to connect nacos to implement dynamic thread pool. Nacos must be installed at the same time. At the same time, the code will have two modules, dtp-spring-boot-starter and user module. The former will be an independent dynamic thread pool. , which can be introduced into your own project. The latter module is […]

Concurrent programming-analysis of the underlying principles of thread pool ThreadPoolExecutor (1)

Question: How to set the number of core threads and the maximum number of threads in the thread pool? What is the specific process of thread pool execution tasks? How do the five states of the thread pool flow? How are threads in the thread pool closed? Why does the thread pool have to be […]

Java thread pool cacheable thread pool Executors.newCachedThreadPool() and blocking queue SynchronousQueue

Reprint: public static ExecutorService newCachedThreadPool() {<!– –> return new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>()); } int c = ctl.get(); //1. if (workerCountOf(c) < corePoolSize) {<!– –> if (addWorker(command, true)) return; c = ctl.get(); } //2. if (isRunning(c) & amp; & amp; workQueue.offer(command)) {<!– –> int recheck = ctl.get(); if (! isRunning(recheck) & amp; […]

How to elegantly customize the ThreadPoolExecutor thread pool

Hello, I am a passerby. For more high-quality articles, please see my personal blog: 1. Overview Multi-threading is often needed in Java to handle some businesses. It is highly not recommended to simply inherit Thread or implement the Runnable interface to create threads, as this will inevitably involve creation and destruction. Threads consume resources […]