[three.js / React-three-fiber] Loading 3D model performance optimization

1. Import Whether it’s a large virtual world or a simple website, performance optimization is a necessity. Especially in the case of using 3D models, we need a more in-depth optimization. Because 3D models usually contain large amounts of data and complex geometries, if not optimized for performance, the browser may crash due to heavy […]

Java1.8 project fiber actual combat and performance pressure test

Create a new maven dependency project Introduce fiber coordinate dependency in pom.xml <dependency> <groupId>co.paralleluniverse</groupId> <artifactId>quasar-core</artifactId> <version>0.7.4</version> <classifier>jdk8</classifier> </dependency> fiber usage example package com.example.demo.fiber; import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Fiber; import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.futures.AsyncCompletionStage; import co.paralleluniverse.strands.Strand; import co.paralleluniverse.strands.SuspendableRunnable; import com.example.demo.fiber.tool.WorkTools; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; /** * Description: fiber demo </br> * Author: Wang Linkong </br> * Time: 2023/4/7 15:44 */ public class Test { […]

Why does React introduce Fiber architecture?

Before the emergence of fiber, the architecture of react only had the coordinator reconciler and the renderer render. When there is a new update, react will recurse all vdom nodes. If there are too many dom nodes, other events will lag behind and cause lag. That is, the previous react version could not interrupt the […]

How to use three.js in React with React three fiber

Introduction React Three-Fiber (often abbreviated as R3F) allows you to use Three.js in React applications to create and display 3D computer graphics for web browsers. If you’re familiar with using React and you want to create a three.js experience, the standard approach can be difficult to scale. react three-fiber solves this pain point by providing […]

“Realizing React18 Series from 0” Implementation Principle of Fiber Architecture

What is a Reconciler Reconciler is the module where the core logic of React is located. The Chinese name is Reconciler. Introduction to Reconciler Architecture In React, the Reconciler (coordinator) is a key part responsible for managing updates to the virtual DOM tree. When component state or properties change, the job of the Reconciler is […]

MRtrix3 builds white matter fiber connectivity matrix

tck2connectome: This command can use the streamlines file and the segmented brain map (parcellation image) to generate a white matter fiber connection matrix. Only this command is introduced here. Introduction tck2connectome [ options ] tracks_in nodes_in connectome_out tracks_in defines the track file nodes_in defines the node parcellation image connectome_out defines the output SC file name […]