Part 3 of Learning C in Details: Branches and Loops

Article directory 1.If and switch statements implement branching 1.1if statement 1.1.1 Grammatical form of if statement 1.1.2 Examples of using nested if 1.1.3 The hanging else problem 1.2 Operators 1.3switch statement 2.Three types of loop statements: while, for, do…while 2.1while loop 2.2for loop 2.3do-while loop 3.break and continue statements Take break and continue in the […]

Iterator and for…of loops

Article directory 18. Iterator and for…of loops 1. The concept of Iterator 2. Default Iterator interface ☆ Array, String, Map, Set, TypedArray, arguments, NodeList 3. When calling the Iterator interface (1) Destructuring assignment (2) Extension operator (3)yield* (4) Other occasions 4. String Iterator interface 5. Iterator interface and Generator function. . . yield? 6. Return(), […]

Oracle Database—-Seventh Week Experiment____Loops and Cursors

Table of Contents Oracle Database—-Seventh Week Experiment Loops and cursors Oracle Database—-Seventh Week Experiment Loops and Cursors Loops and Cursors ? Loop ? First set the display output results Connected to Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release Connected as system@ORCL SQL> set serveroutput on; 1. Simple loop Example 9-11. Use a simple loop to […]

C++ Lesson 5 – Loops and Relational Expressions

For all source codes and exercises, please refer to github: This chapter includes: for loop expressions and statements Increment and decrement operators: + + and – Combining assignment operators Compound statement (statement block) comma operator Relational operators: >, >=, = =, 0; If str1 comes after str2: strcmp(str1, str2) < 0; 5.2 Compare string-like […]

Basic guide to using Python operators and statements (conditions, loops, exceptions)

Classification of operators arithmetic operators assignment operator compound assignment operator comparison operator Logical Operators Arithmetic operators Operator Description Instance + Add 1 + 1 and the output result is 2 – Subtract 1 – 1, the output result is 0 * Multiply 2 * 2, the output result is 4 / Divide 10 / 2 […]

ES6 Iterator and for…of loops

1.iterator concept ES6 added Map and Set. So there are four data collections, and a unified interface mechanism is needed to handle all different data structures. Iterator is such a mechanism. It is an interface that provides a unified access mechanism for various different data structures. As long as any data structure deploys the Iterator […]

Python control flow: conditions, loops and exception handling

Get more information Personal website: Brother Tao talks about Python Python is a powerful programming language with rich control flow tools, allowing developers to more flexibly control the execution flow of the program. Mastering Python’s control flow is crucial to writing efficient and powerful programs. 1. Conditional statement: control program branch Conditional statements are one […]