[Dynamic Programming] 647. Palindrome subsequence, 516. Longest palindrome subsequence

Tips: Live hard and have a happy day Article directory 647. Palindrome substring Problem-solving ideas Problems encountered Code Summary of the question 516. Longest palindrome subsequence Problem-solving ideas Problems encountered Code Summary of the question Today’s experience 647. Palindrome substring Question link: 647. Palindrome substring Problem-solving ideas The Five Steps of Dynamic Rules Determine the […]

An algorithmic ceiling for solving the palindrome problem

Manacher algorithm The manacher algorithm mainly solves the problem of the length of the longest palindrome substring. When it comes to finding palindromic strings, the manager algorithm is the ceiling algorithm in this area. Next, let’s take the length of the longest palindrome substring as a problem to explain what a manager is. What is […]

Insert at the end of a singly linked list, find the middle node of a singly linked list, delete specified elements of a singly linked list, invert a singly linked list, find the Kth node from the bottom of a singly linked list, detect whether a singly linked list is a palindrome structure, find the intersection point of two singly linked lists, and judge a singly linked list. Whether the linked list has a ring and whether the singly linked list is destroyed

//Singly linked list node definition, tail insertion and output #include<iostream> #include<malloc.h> #include<assert.h> using namespace std; typedef struct listNode { struct listNode* next; int data; }node; //Divided into two situations, the linked list is empty and the linked list is not empty void lastInsert(node** list,int da) { node* n = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); n->data = da; n->next = […]

Dynamic programming palindrome problem

Palindrome string 1. Palindrome substring 2. The longest palindrome substring 3. Split the palindrome IV 4. Split palindrome string II 5. The longest palindrome subsequence 6. The maximum number of insertions that makes a string a return string 1. Palindrome substring 1. Question link: palindrome substring 2.Title description: Given a string s, please count and […]

AtCoder Beginner Contest 175 (AB water, C mathematics, D thinking + prefix sum processing + purchase price thinking, E square matrix + conditional DP, F new palindrome string processing GJ)…

Supplementary question link: Here A – Rainy Season If it is not the RSR type, just calculate the number of R directly. B – Making Triangle Given \(N\) sticks with lengths \(L_i\), how many triangles with three sidesof different lengths can be formed? Two triangles are said to be different triangles if they use at […]

[Algorithm Training – Linked List 3] [Special Linked List] Circular Linked List, Circular Linked List II, Palindrome Linked List, Intersecting Linked List

Without further ado, just shout a slogan to encourage yourself: Programmers will never be unemployed, programmers go to architecture! The theme of this blog is [Judgment related to linked lists], which is implemented using the basic data structure of [linked lists]. The site for this high-frequency question is: CodeTop, and the filtering conditions are: Target […]

Check if a string in js can be a palindrome

Exploring the world of string manipulation in JavaScript reveals a fascinating challenge: determining whether a given string can be converted to a palindrome. Palindromes, where the same word or phrase is read front and back, have an inherent appeal and spark the curiosity of developers seeking to uncover their mysterious properties. In this article, we’ll […]

[Dynamic Programming] Palindrome problem

Article directory Dynamic Programming (Palindrome Problem) 1. Palindrome substring 2. The longest palindrome substring 3. Palindrome string segmentation IV 4. Split palindrome string || 5. The longest palindrome subsequence 6. Minimum number of insertions for a string to become a palindrome Dynamic Programming (Palindrome Problem) 1. Palindrome substring Question link Status representation f[i][j] indicates whether […]