The new ChatGPT prototype Gizmo is exposed!

Click the Card below and follow the “CVer” public account AI/CV heavy-duty information, delivered as soon as possible Click to enter->[Computer Vision and Transformer] Communication Group Reply in the background of the CVer WeChat public account: ChatGPT, you can download the most complete learning materials of AIGC and start learning! Reprinted from: Heart of the […]

Javascirpt encapsulates xhr to upload multiple pictures, and solves the problem that the formdata backend only accepts one picture, and uses the prototype chain to encapsulate it to reduce resource waste and improve performance.

The prototype chain of the function is used here to encapsulate each shared function and privileged method to access private data. <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8″/> <title></title> <script type=”text/javascript” src=”common.js”></script> <style type=”text/css”> #preview {<!– –> display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; width: 580px; padding: 10px; justify-content: start; } .icon-po {<!– –> overflow: hidden; position: relative; width: 150px; height: […]


Definition Prototype is a creational design pattern that allows you to copy existing objects without making your code dependent on the class they belong to. Alias Clone. Foreword 1. Question If you have an object and want to make an exact copy of it, how do you do that? First, you must create a new […]

Penetration attack vulnerability – prototype chain pollution

Background In early 2019, security researchers at Snyk disclosed details of a serious vulnerability in the popular JavaScript library Lodash that allowed hackers to attack multiple web applications. This security vulnerability was a “JavaScript Prototype Pollution” vulnerability. , an attacker could exploit this vulnerability to exploit the rules of the JavaScript programming language and compromise […]

js prototype chain and how to implement inheritance

1. Prototype chain The basic idea is to use prototypes to let one reference type inherit the properties and methods of another reference type. Let’s briefly review the relationship between constructors, prototypes, and instances: Each constructor has a prototype object, the prototype object contains a pointer to the constructor, and the instance contains an internal […]

JS prototype chain, the relationship between prototype, prototype object, and instance object

1. How to create js objects Literal creation let a={} Through the new keyword let b = new Object() Through the object.create method let c = Object.create(Object.prototype) 2. Prototype chain The prototype, prototype object and instance object in JavaScript are important concepts in object-oriented programming. They are related to JavaScript inheritance and object construction. Their […]

[nodejs principle & source code appreciation (3)] Appreciate the surgical-grade prototype chain processing art

【Abstract】Learn prototype processing in classic code Sample code is hosted at: Good code is similar, but bad code is bad in its own way. 1. Overview The prototype chain is a very important basic knowledge ofjavascript. I was reading node.js recently and found that a lot of code may seem confusing at first glance, […]

Inheritance and prototype chain: Is the end of the prototype chain null?

theme: channing-cyan highlight: a11y-dark Inheritance and prototype chain that everyone needs to know whether they are interviewed or not: Is the end of the prototype chain null? Tips: Every technical point is worth learning and writing: 9 issues Recommended articles: About 20,000 words-Vue source code interpretation summary (continued) The front end must be able to […]