Target detection network principle and Tensorflow implementation based on bounding box regression

Object detection is the classification and localization of objects within an image. In other words, it is a combination of image classification and object localization. Building a machine learning model for image classification is simpler, which I describe in one of my articles. However, image classifiers cannot accurately determine the location of objects within an […]

Ray Tracing Optimization Algorithm: BVH Hierarchical Bounding Volume

In this chapter, we introduce and use a technique developed by researchers Kay and Kajiya in 1986. Other acceleration structures since then have proven better than their technique, but their solution could help formulate the principles by which most acceleration structures are built. This is a very good starting point, and like the Utah teapot, […]

[ABC297F] Minimum Bounding Box 2

Maybe a better reading experience D. e the s c r i p t i o no \mathcal{Description} Description in a h h H line W W Random selection on the grid plot of columns W K K K points. The score that defines the current situation is the smallest that can surround this K […]

Target detection practice for YOLOv5 image and video objects to generate bounding boxes (GPU version PyTorch error handling)

Recognizing objects in images and videos is a very important application in computer vision, such as unmanned driving, which requires real-time detection of various objects in the surrounding environment and timely processing. Target detection has been explained several times in previous articles. Among them, the source code interpretation of Faster R-CNN, I have made a […]

Bounding Box Regression Strategies in OSTrack

Directory 1. Crop and label settings 2. Bounding box regression of the model’s predicted output 1. Crop and label settings 1. Add offset to get the offset bounding box jittered_anno = [self._get_jittered_box(a, s) for a in data[s + ‘_anno’]] 2. Use the offset bounding box as the center to crop First offset the of the […]

opencv(c++) uses minAreaRect to get the minimum bounding rectangle

Reprint link: 1. Introduction 2. Drawing the smallest circumscribed rectangle of the outline #include “opencv2/opencv.hpp” using namespace cv; void main() {<!– –> //The drawing of the smallest circumscribed rectangle Mat srcImg = imread(“E://00.png”); Mat dstImg = srcImg. clone(); cvtColor(srcImg, srcImg, CV_BGR2GRAY); threshold(srcImg, srcImg, 100, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); //binarization imshow(“threshold”, srcImg); vector<vector<Point>> contours; vector<Vec4i> hierarchy; findContours(srcImg, […]

Target detection The real bounding box is assigned to the anchor box, and the code is attached to realize it

Directory One: review Two: Mark the anchor box in the training data Assign ground-truth bounding boxes to anchor boxes core part Test Results: Three: Why do you need to fill? One: Review In the last lesson, we learned about the iou knowledge point in the basics of target detection. It is an indicator used in […]