[Opencv-Python] Digital image processing (3) – Spatial image processing (2)

? >Article navigation 1 Experimental purposes and requirements 2 Experimental environment and configuration 3 Spatial filtering 3.1 Image smoothing (mean filter, median filter, Gaussian filter) 3.2 Image sharpening (1) Laplacian template (linear) 4 Experimental experiences and thoughts 4.1 Summary of experimental experience 4.2 Experimental problems and solutions 1 Experiment purpose and requirements (1) Master the […]

[Opencv-Python] Digital image processing (2) – Spatial image processing (1)

>Article navigation 1 Experimental purposes and requirements 2 Experimental environment and configuration 3 Experimental content and experimental results 3.1 Grayscale transformation 3.1.1 Binarization of grayscale images 3.1.2 Image inversion 3.1.3 Logarithmic transformation (1) Try different values of scale proportionality constant c (the above program sets c=42), compare and analyze the differences in the resulting images. […]

Application Utility – Reading geospatial raster files using GDAL OpenCV v4.8.0

Previous tutorial: Adding a track bar to our application Next tutorial: Video input using OpenCV and similarity measurement Original author Marvin Smith Compatibility OpenCV >= 3.0 Geospatial raster data is a product heavily used in geographic information systems and photogrammetry. Raster data can often represent images and digital elevation models (DEMs). The standard library for […]

5.2 Load vector layers (delimitedtext, spatialite, wfs, memory)

Article directory Preface Load vector layer delimitedtext QGis import CSV Code import SpatiaLite data provider (spatialite) QgsDataSourceUri QGis import spatialite Code import Web services WFS (web feature service) data provider (wfs) QGis add layer code addition Memory data providerType (memory) QGis creates new memory layer Code to create memory layer other Foreword This chapter describes […]

ESDA in PySal (5): Exploratory analysis of spatial data: spatial autocorrelation

ESDA in PySal (5): Exploratory analysis of spatial data: spatial autocorrelation In this notebook, we introduce the method of Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis Aims to use formal univariate sum Multivariate statistical tests of spatial clustering. 1. Imports import esda import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd from geopandas import GeoDataFrame import libpysal as lps […]

Idle rotation seurat spatial rotate image flip data structure object seurat’s idle data storage

1seurat subset operation 3. Object operations ① Use the @ and $ symbols on the structure diagram to get the ② Two bracket operations, pbmc[[ ]]. In the tutorial, pbmc[[‘percent.MT’]] adds the percent.MT column to meta.data. pbmc[[]], the square brackets refer to the secondary data name in the above structure diagram What is the difference […]

[Infrared and visible light image fusion] Infrared and visual image fusion method based on discrete cosine transform and local spatial frequency in the discrete stationary wavelet transform domain (Matlab code implementation)…

?About the author: A Matlab simulation developer who loves scientific research. He cultivates his mind and improves his technology simultaneously. For cooperation on MATLAB projects, please send a private message. Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal credo: Investigate things to gain knowledge. For more complete Matlab code and simulation customization content, click Intelligent optimization algorithm […]

In-depth exploration of geospatial query: how to elegantly implement accurate geographic data storage and retrieval techniques in MySQL, PostgreSQL and Redis

Blogger Maotouhu () takes you Go to New World? Blog homepage–Mao Touhu’s blog “Complete Column of Interview Questions” Articles with pictures and textsVivid imagesEasy to learn! Everyone is welcome to step in~ “IDEA Development Cheats Column” Learn the common operations of IDEA and double your work efficiency~ “Master Golang in 100 Days (Basic Introduction)” Learn […]

Research on infrared and visual image fusion method in discrete stationary wavelet transform domain and discrete cosine transform and local spatial frequency with Matlab code

?About the author: A Matlab simulation developer who loves scientific research. He cultivates his mind and improves his technology simultaneously. For cooperation on MATLAB projects, please send a private message. Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal credo: Investigate things to gain knowledge. For more complete Matlab code and simulation customization content, click Intelligent optimization algorithm […]