The solution to the cross-domain problem when the front-end accesses the geoserver service, and the use of html2canvas to download the drawn map

My business scenario: You need to use html2canvas to download the map drawn by Openlayers. Expectation: Can be downloaded as images or even other formats (svg) files. Result: The download is a blank image. Troubleshooting errors: The request data is echoed to the page normally. When intercepted using html2canvas, cross-domain will occur, resulting in the […]

leaflet loads WMTS published by local Geoserver

Article directory 1. leaflet loads WMTS of local geoserver 1.1. Install wmts plug-in 1.1.1. You can go to the leaflet official website to find the required plug-ins. 1.1.2. npm plugin search 1.2. Leaflet accesses Geoserver’s WMTS 2. Openlayers access Geoserver’s WMTS 2.1. Combine openlayers to access wmts in vue3 3. WMTS related parameters 3.1. tileGrid […]

Implementing batch release of GeoServer vector files based on Python

 0. Preface Due to the large number of vector layer files, manual publishing is time-consuming and laborious. The geoserver package (geoserver-restconfig) supported by Python is also in disrepair and cannot be used normally in newer geoserver versions. After consulting a lot of information and referring to the following blog, I simply wrote a code to […]

geoserver automatically publishes vector data: RUST API

Foreword I recently studied the geoserver rust api, and the official documentation is relatively simple and not detailed. This article describes the python code implementation of using the geoserver rust api to publish shapfile data on the official documentation webpage. Among them, there is a warehouse geoserver-rust that implements a large number of geoserver’s rust […]

Application Utility – Reading geospatial raster files using GDAL OpenCV v4.8.0

Previous tutorial: Adding a track bar to our application Next tutorial: Video input using OpenCV and similarity measurement Original author Marvin Smith Compatibility OpenCV >= 3.0 Geospatial raster data is a product heavily used in geographic information systems and photogrammetry. Raster data can often represent images and digital elevation models (DEMs). The standard library for […]

In-depth exploration of geospatial query: how to elegantly implement accurate geographic data storage and retrieval techniques in MySQL, PostgreSQL and Redis

Blogger Maotouhu () takes you Go to New World? Blog homepage–Mao Touhu’s blog “Complete Column of Interview Questions” Articles with pictures and textsVivid imagesEasy to learn! Everyone is welcome to step in~ “IDEA Development Cheats Column” Learn the common operations of IDEA and double your work efficiency~ “Master Golang in 100 Days (Basic Introduction)” Learn […]

Leveraging geospatial data in Python with GeoPandas

The true potential of spatial data lies in its ability to connect data points and their respective locations, creating endless possibilities for advanced analytics. Geospatial data science is an emerging field in data science that aims to leverage geospatial information and extract valuable insights through spatial algorithms and advanced techniques such as machine learning or […]

Leveraging geospatial data in Python with GeoPandas

Recommended Use NSDT editor quickly builds 3D application scenes The true potential of spatial data lies in its ability to connect data points and their respective locations, creating endless possibilities for advanced analytics. Geospatial data science is an emerging field in data science that aims to leverage geospatial information and extract valuable insights through spatial […]

Geoserver configuration based on Jetty9 https certificate

1. Environment preparation Since the jetty version that comes with Geoserver does not have the https module, you need to download the full version of jetty. Here you need to first check the jetty version corresponding to the local geoserver, enter the geoserver installation directory, and execute the following command. java -jar start.jar –version Jetty […]