Middleware Security-CVE Recurrence&K8s&Docker&Jetty&Websphere Vulnerability Recurrence

Directory Service Attack and Defense-Middleware Security &CVE Recurrence &K8s &Docker &Jetty &Websphere Middleware-K8s Middleware-Jetty Vulnerability recurrence CVE-2021-28164-Path information disclosure vulnerability CVE-2021-28169 Double decoding information leakage vulnerability CVE-2021-34429 Path information disclosure vulnerability Middleware-Docker Vulnerability recurrence Daemon API Unauthorized Access Vulnerability Middleware-WebSphere Vulnerability recurrence Deserialization CVE-2015-7450 Weak password & amp; & amp;Background Getshell CVE-2020-4450 Service Attack and […]

Jetty embedded development and spring integration quartz (memory mode)

1 Depend on jar package 2 jetty embedded development 2.1 jetty service startup class package com.primal.server; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Handler; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.AbstractHandler; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerList; import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ResourceHandler; import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler; import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; /** * Author whh * Date 2023/10/12/ 21:58 * <p></p> */ […]

The difference between tomcat and jetty receiving request parameters

【Scene】 Service endpoint-to-point notification.Service A initiates a request to service B, and service B synchronously returns the reception success; then B starts processing the logic; after B completes the processing, it notifies A asynchronously; A receives the request and processes it, and writes a response back to B synchronously; complete. [Get the code first] Server […]

Geoserver configuration based on Jetty9 https certificate

1. Environment preparation Since the jetty version that comes with Geoserver does not have the https module, you need to download the full version of jetty. Here you need to first check the jetty version corresponding to the local geoserver, enter the geoserver installation directory, and execute the following command. java -jar start.jar –version Jetty […]

When Spring boot integrates Flink CDC, jetty reports an error at runtime

1. Error display The project can run successfully, and successfully listen to the pigxx_user.user table in the database, but when you click on any query on the page, an error is reported: Error display: 2023-08-21 09:44:43.082 INFO 22880 — [td. Out (1/1)#0] c.v.c.d.internal.DebeziumChangeFetcher : Database snapshot phase can’t perform checkpoint, acquired Checkpoint lock. SourceRecord{sourcePartition={server=mysql_binlog_source}, sourceOffset={ts_sec=1692582283, […]

Jetty publishes web services

Jetty provides a Web server and javax.servlet container, plus support for HTTP/2, WebSocket, OSGi, JMX, JNDI, JAAS and many other integrations. These components are open source and available for commercial use and distribution. Jetty is used in a wide variety of projects and products, both in development and production. Jetty can be easily embedded in […]

SpringBoot: Configuring the Jetty container

? Author: bug bacteria Blog: CSDN, Nuggets, infoQ, 51CTO etc. Introduction: High-quality creators in CSDN, Nuggets and other communities, with a total of 70,000 followers on the entire network, interested in all technologies, with a focus on Java, currently operating a public account ” “Wonderful House in the Ape Circle”, welcome friends to join, let’s […]

SpringBoot: configure Jetty container | super detailed, recommended collection

? Author: bug bacteria Blog: CSDN, Nuggets, infoQ, 51CTO etc. Introduction: High-quality creators in CSDN, Nuggets and other communities, with a total of 70,000 followers on the entire network, interested in all technologies, with a focus on Java, currently operating a public account ” “Wonderful House in the Ape Circle”, welcome friends to join, let’s […]

Analysis of thread optimization ideas in Jetty

Author: Vivo Internet Server Team – Wang Ke This article introduces the design and implementation of ManagedSelector and ExecutionStrategy in Jetty, and reveals Jetty’s thread optimization ideas by comparing with the native select call. Jetty has designed an adaptive thread execution strategy (EatWhatYouKill), which uses the same thread to detect I/O events and process I/O […]