Numpy implements fast Fourier transform FFT

References: The NumPy module provides Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) functionality. FFT is an algorithm for efficiently calculating the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and its inverse transform. It can quickly calculate the expression of time signals in the frequency domain. In NumPy, you can use the numpy.fft module to perform fast Fourier transform. […]

Help understand: diversity, interleaving, SFFT, additive Gaussian white noise

Variety Diversity is a technique used in wireless communications to increase signal reliability and reduce the effects of fading. The core idea is to improve communication quality through multiple independent or nearly independent signal replication. Because each signal replica experiences a different propagation path or condition, they may not all be affected by fading at […]

verilog FFT Vivado IP core implementation

1. First use matlab to generate 16-bit binary sinusoidal signal data and store it in rom: %Set parameters fi=5000; L=1024; N=16; fs=20000; % generate signal t=0:1/fs:(L-1)/fs; theta=rand()*2*pi; si=sin(2*pi*fi*t + theta); f_s=si/max(abs(si)); Q_s=round(f_s*(2^(N-1)-1)); fid=fopen(‘C:\Users\HLPC\Desktop\Sin.txt’,’w’); for k=1:length(Q_s) B_s=dec2bin(Q_s(k) + (Q_s(k)<0)*2^N,N); for j=1:N if B_s(j)==’1′ tb=1; else tb=0; end fprintf(fid,’%d’,tb); end fprintf(fid,’\r\\ ‘); end fprintf(fid,’;’); fclose(fid); 2. Store […]

How to implement FFT algorithm with FPGA?

Click the blue words to follow us Follow and star the public account, and exciting content will be delivered every day Source: Internet material IntroductionDFT (Discrete Fourier Transformation) is an important transformation tool in the fields of digital signal analysis and processing such as graphics, speech, and images. The amount of calculation required to directly […]

STM32F407FFT identifies the frequency of sine wave signals

Table of Contents 1. Hardware equipment 2. General idea 1. Hardware Equipment Signal generator (for testing) or any other input signal, STM32F407ZGT6 series microcontroller, several DuPont wires, ST-Link programmer 2. General idea 1. ADC frequency samples the input signal, and DMA reads and transmits it. 2. Use the DSP library provided by the STM official […]

[Image denoising] [Fast calculation method of TGV regularizer] Image denoising through the total (generalized) change of FFT (Matlab code implementation)

Welcome to this blog Advantages of bloggers:Blog content should be as thoughtful and logical as possible for the convenience of readers. Motto:He who travels a hundred miles is half as good as ninety. The directory of this article is as follows: Table of Contents 1 Overview 2 Operation results 3 References 4 Matlab code implementation […]

m baseband signal soft synchronization receiving system matlab performance simulation, comparison of statistical synchronization, BTDT, CZT, ZOOM-FFT and spectrum refinement method

Table of Contents 1. Algorithm simulation effect 2. Summary of theoretical knowledge involved in algorithms 3.MATLAB core program 4. Complete algorithm code file 1. Algorithm simulation effect The matlab2022a simulation results are as follows: Statistics synchronization BTDT CZT ZOOM-FFT Spectrum refinement method 2. Summary of theoretical knowledge involved in algorithms The soft synchronization receiving system […]

FFT fast Fourier code

#include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> using namespace std; using std::ofstream; using std::endl; #ifndef FFT_Def #define FFT_Def #definePI 3.1415926535 #define uchar unsigned char #define N 64 //FFT points (length) #define BIT 16 //The number of digits of FFT (type of each data point), can only be 8, 16, 32 #if (BIT==8) […]

Comparison of FFT2D acceleration between oneMKL and FFTW3

An article by a big guy on Github pointed out that the onemkL function library under Intel is very powerful for the calculation of large matrices, as shown below. It is superior to many methods in terms of computing performance and speed. This article aims to learn different algorithm function libraries through personal practice. It […]