[HTML–multimedia tags, table tags, hyperlinks]

Article directory foreword 1. Multimedia tab 1. Image tags Image Format label parameters code demo 2. Audio Tag 3. Video tag 2. Form label Parameters and properties of form tags Nesting of form tags Merging of table tags Merge across rows –rowspan Merge across columns — colspan 3. Hyperlinks text hyperlink picture hyperlink Hot Zone […]

PHP uses a single page to read the content with hyperlinks in the database and provides the function of manually cleaning links (the hyperlink part can be replaced with any query conditions) / code to use

Cause A customer security report indicated that there was a link to an outdated website, and the outdated website became a shameful website~~ This problem is caused by copying the content of other websites directly when they usually post, and not using the editor’s cleaning tool. Afterwards, the customer asked if he could check all […]

Unity UGUI hyperlink

using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine. EventSystems; using Unity. Collections; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine; using System. Text; using System; public class HyperlinkInfo : MonoBehaviour, IPointerEnterHandler, IPointerExitHandler, IPointerClickHandler {<!– –> public GameObject prefab; /// <summary> /// Whether to display the area box of the hyperlink /// </summary> [Header(“Whether to display the hyperlink area box”)] public bool isShowHyperlineSign = […]

Semantic Tags Lists Hyperlinks Replaced Elements Inline Frames Audio Video Table Basic Structure

meta write in the head tag 1. Set the character set 2. Set page keywords keywords 3. Set the web page description information to be displayed in the search results 4. Redirecting to web pages Block elements elements on a single line hgroup header tag group em Indicates the stress of voice intonation will not […]

Display pictures and hyperlinks in view table

Display pictures and hyperlinks in the view table Usually display images The image address value is: http://static.upedu.cc/upload/Dev/logo/20190805/1565012617678291821.png {<!– –> key: ‘picture’, title: ‘Picture’, width: 120, align: ‘center’, render:(h,params)=>{<!– –> return h(‘img’,{<!– –> attrs:{<!– –> src:params.row.picture, }, style:{<!– –> width:’93px’, height:’74px’ } }) } }, Display base64 image The image URL value is:  + Tl5ufo6erx8vP09fb3 […]

[Solved] After Layui rich text layedit image setting hyperlink, the image is replaced by the link string, the image disappears, the complete solution

After setting a hyperlink to a Layui rich text layedit image, the image is replaced by the link string, and the image disappears If you feel troublesome, you can directly download the file to replace layui2.6.8 rich text layedit repair pictures cannot add hyperlinks, pictures cannot add hyperlinks-Javascript document resources-CSDN download The first step: you […]