C++ Standard Templates (STL) – Type Support (type attributes, is_void, is_null_pointer, is_integral)

Type attributes A type attribute defines a compile-time template-based structure for querying or modifying the properties of a type. Attempting to specialize a template defined in the header causes undefined behavior, except that std::common_type can be specialized as described. Templates defined in the header file may be instantiated with incomplete types unless otherwise specified, although […]

Adaptive binarization algorithm using integral graph

Article directory Adaptive binarization algorithm using integral graph integral image adaptive binarization Code Papers and code Adaptive binarization algorithm using integral graph Adaptive Thresholding Using the Integral Image The purpose of thresholding an image is to classify pixels as “dark” or “light”. Adaptive thresholding is a form of thresholding that takes into account spatial changes […]

Twenty, mirror IBL–print BRDF integral map

Compared to the past, this section is probably the easiest. The running results are as follows code show as below: #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const char * vertexShader = { “in vec3 aPos;\ “ “in vec2 texcoord;” “varying vec2 TexCoords;\ “ “void main(void)\ “ “{\ “ “TexCoords = […]

Nineteen, specular IBL–BRDF integral map

Let’s review the segmentation and summation approximation method of the mirror part again. Now focus on part two Finally it can be transformed into In other words, these two parts of the integral can obtain the coefficient of F0 and the deviation of F0. These two values can be stored in the RG part of […]

C#, Numerical Calculation – Calculation methods and source programs of the Stiel class for integral functions and methods

1 Text format using System; namespace Legalsoft.Truffer { public class Stiel { public class pp : UniVarRealValueFun, RealValueFun { public Stiel st { get; set; } = null; publicpp() { } public double funk(double[] x) { double pval = st.p(x[0]); return pval * st.wt1(x[0], x[0]) * pval; } public double funk(double t) { double x […]

Realize definite integral calculation in C language (including infinite integral/customizable precision)

A statement of rigor: Before calculating the definite integral in C language, I need to declare the following points: 1. The functions we perform definite integral calculations should all be Riemann-integrable, which ensures that the convergence of the integral is guaranteed even if we divide the interval evenly. Second, we should also realize that since […]

Integral image, image segmentation, Harris corner detection

Directory 1. Integral image 2. Image Segmentation – Flood Filling 3. Image segmentation – watershed method 4. Harris corner detection 1. Integral image #include <iostream> #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> using namespace cv; using namespace std; //integral image int test() { //Create a 16×16 matrix with all 1s, because 256=16×16 Mat img = Mat::ones(16, 16, CV_32FC1); //Add random […]

Python definite integral: quad function

Article directory example complete parameters weight parameter Example quad is the most commonly used integral function in scipy.integrate, examples are as follows import numpy as np from scipy.integrate import quad func = lambda x: x**2 quad(func, 0, 4) # (21.333333333333332, 2.3684757858670003e-13) quad(np. sin, 0, np. pi) # (2.0, 2.220446049250313e-14) In the above code, func is […]

[Parallel and serial implementation of Monte Carlo method for definite integral of python library mpi4py]

Monte Carlo simulation method: is a computational technique used to study and predict the behavior of complex systems through statistical sampling. It was first developed by mathematicians Stanislaw Ulam and Johann von Neumann in the 1940s to solve complex problems in physics, such as the behavior of neutrons in nuclear chain reactions . Monte Carlo […]