Linux driver platform bus

In the Linux2.6 kernel driver, the following two steps are provided to implement an interrupt handling mechanism for the device: 1. Register interrupt processing with the kernel; 2. Implement the interrupt processing function int request_irq(unsigned int irq,void (*handler)(int, void*, struct pt_regs *),unsigned long flags,const char *devname,void *dev_id) //Registration interruption; return 0 for success, or return […]

8. Platform driver separation

1.Frame The bus bus structure of platform divides a hardware driver into two parts: device device and driver driver. Use platform to connect the two That is to register device and driver separately into the kernel. Use it according to the corresponding name and so on. 2. Key functions and structures device_driver: storage of correlation […]

Implemented through platform

drv.c #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/of.h> #include <linux/of_gpio.h> #include <linux/gpio.h> #include <linux/fs.h> #include <linux/io.h> #include <linux/device.h> #include <linux/cdev.h> #include <linux/uaccess.h> #include <linux/slab.h> #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/mod_devicetable.h> #include <linux/of_irq.h> #include <linux/interrupt.h> //Get resource structure struct resource *res; //interrupt number unsigned int irqno; //gpio information structure struct gpio_desc *gpiono; //Character device driver object space first address […]

Linux device driver model platform device

Linux device driver model platform device The previous chapter introduced the Linux character device driver, which is relatively basic and allows everyone to understand how to register and use the device driver of the Linux kernel. But at work, I personally think that there are relatively few opportunities to write a character device driver completely […]

Establishing a RealTime Big Data Platform for Transport

Author: Zen and the Art of Computer Programming 1. Introduction Apache Kafka is an open source distributed stream processing platform. It was originally developed by LinkedIn for real-time data pipelines and flow computing. Over time, Kafka has become one of the most popular open source message brokers. At the same time, it is also a […]

Deploy web applications on Google Cloud Platform

Author: Zen and the Art of Computer Programming 1. Introduction Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a cloud-based platform service provided by Google. It provides infrastructure such as computing resources, network connectivity, data storage, etc. It’s free to use and highly reliable. Many companies have regarded GCP’s cloud services as their core business and deployed applications […]

Efficient Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) development using a shared MVI architecture

Use shared MVI architecture for efficient Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) development The article discusses the implementation of application architecture guidelines provided by Google on multiple platforms. By sharing view models (View Models) and shared UI states (UI States), we can focus on implementing the UI part on the native side. Using a simple custom abstraction […]

Design and implementation of gourmet cooking interactive platform based on Java+SpringBoot+Vue separation of front-end and back-end

Blogger Introduction: ?300,000+ fans across the entire network, csdn guest author, blog expert, CSDN Rising Star Program mentor, high-quality creator in the Java field, Blog Star, Nuggets / Huawei Cloud / Alibaba Cloud / InfoQ and other platforms are high-quality authors, focusing on the field of Java technology and practical graduation projects? Contact for source […]