Java gets network pictures and reads InputStream

Table of Contents Save money: Deprecated methods: Recommended writing method: Original writing: Modern writing: Compared: Saving flow: Commonly used (verified, safe for production and consumption): try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()) { HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(path); CloseableHttpResponse resp = httpClient.execute(httpGet); // Call the server interface byte[] data = EntityUtils.toByteArray(resp.getEntity()); // Convert the returned image or […]

Wi-Fi network scoring mechanism 04_ThroughputScorer (default scorer)

ThroughputScorer is the currently used scorer. The scoring algorithm is relatively complex and uses many terms related to protocols and wireless communications. Detailed scoring process Since the scorer code is relatively complex, the complete scoring process will be analyzed below, and finally the code for throughput estimation will be introduced separately. rssi and throughput score: […]

Matlab uses PSO-LSTM-Attention to create a prediction model with multiple feature inputs and single output.

?About the author: A Matlab simulation developer who loves scientific research. He cultivates his mind and improves his technology simultaneously. For cooperation on MATLAB projects, please send a private message. Personal homepage: Matlab Research Studio Personal credo: Investigate things to gain knowledge. For more complete Matlab code and simulation customization content, click Intelligent optimization algorithm […]

Qt’s qInstallMessageHandler outputs detailed logs and saves them to a file

Qt’s qInstallMessageHandler (output detailed log) Installs a previously defined message handler, returning a pointer to the previous message handler. A message handler is a function that prints debugging information, warning information, critical error messages, and fatal error messages. The Qt library (debug mode) contains hundreds of warning messages printed when an internal error occurs (usually […]

Yolov5.7 inputs image slices, and uses splicing after inference.

Article directory 1. Image slicing 1.1 Use numpy, opencv, and matplotlib to implement image slicing. 2. How to input into yolov5.7 network 2.2 Modify the file of yolov5.7 network. reference: 3.3 Modify the file as follows: 1. Image slicing Recently, when using yolov5 to detect small defects in large images, I found […]

Unity InputSystem Reference

Demo #if ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM using UnityEngine.InputSystem; #endif using UnityEngine; namespace UnityTemplateProjects {<!– –> public class SimpleCameraController : MonoBehaviour {<!– –> classCameraState {<!– –> public float yaw; public float pitch; public float roll; public float x; public float y; public float z; public void SetFromTransform(Transform t) {<!– –> pitch = t.eulerAngles.x; yaw = t.eulerAngles.y; roll = t.eulerAngles.z; […]

monodepth2 code: structure of inputs

First, initialization of input inputs = {} Note that inputs represents an empty dictionary. Second, add the original image for i in self.frame_idxs: # Why is “other_side” here? This is because when it is a binocular view, the input is [0, s], 0 is the main image, and naturally s is the other side. if […]

Byte stream InputStream/OutputStream

Byte stream InputStream/OutputStream This article will give a brief summary of the byte stream InputStream/OutputStream in the JAVA I/O stream: In general, each byte stream class has a corresponding purpose, as follows: ByteArrayInputStream/ByteArrayOutputStream //Byte array related FileInputStream/FileOutputStream //File operation related PipedOutputStream/PipedInputStream //Inter-thread communication (pipeline) BufferedInputStream/BufferedOutputStream //Decorate other byte streams and add buffering function FilterInputStream/FilterOutputStream //Decorate […]

k8s fluentbit collects the logs of all container standard outputs

k8s-fluentbit collects the logs of the standard output of all containers 1. fluentbit collects the logs of the standard output of all containers Write fluentbit log collection yaml configuration file — # fluentbit configuration file apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: fluent-bit-config namespace: efk labels: k8s-app: fluent-bit data: # Configuration files: server, input, filters and […]