Springboot integrates redis, mybatis-plus and websocket exception framework code encapsulation

In the process of software development, a well-encapsulated, concise and elegant Family Bucket framework can greatly improve the work efficiency of developers, while also reducing the complexity of the code and making it easier to maintain in the future. The source code involved in this article is at the end of the article, with a […]

Redis command (3)

Redis Set command Redis Set is an unordered collection of string type Redis set set members are unique, which means that duplicate data cannot appear in the set. Redis set is implemented through a hash table, so the complexity of adding, deleting, and searching is O(1) The maximum number of members of a Redis set […]

[redis] The ssm project integrates redis, redis annotation caching and application scenarios, redis breakdown, penetration, and avalanche solutions

Table of Contents 1. Integrate redis 1 Introduction 1.1. redis (Remote Dictionary Server) 1.2. MySQL 1.3. Difference 2. Integration 2.1. Configuration 2.2. File configuration 2.3. Key generation rule method 2.4. Attention 2. redis annotation cache 1. @Cacheable annotation 2. @CachePut annotation 3. @CacheEvict annotation 4. Application scenarios 3. Redis breakdown and penetration avalanche 1. Cache […]

The perfect combination of Redis and Spring Boot: the black technology of Lua scripting

Source: blog.csdn.net/Mrxiao_bo/article/details/133783127 There once was a magician who was good at combining two powerful tools, Spring Boot and Redis, into an amazing combination. His magic weapon is Redis’s Lua script. Today, we will uncover the secrets of this magician and explore how to use Lua scripts in Spring Boot projects to unlock new possibilities and […]

Intranet penetration based on SSRF+Redis

Intranet penetration based on SSRF + Redis 1. WEB server configuration 1. Ugly topology map 2. Add network card For the second network card, select vmnet1. It doesn’t matter if you customize it later. The purpose is to prevent the host from communicating with network card 2. 3. Set to fixed IP #Query the current […]

Solve the problem that springboot integrates websocket, redis, openfeign, redisTemplate, and openfeign classes that cannot be injected

In some businesses, we need to use long connections. We can use http long connections or websocket. In the framework of springboot as the backend, the technologies that can be borrowed are (netty, websocket) The version is as follows Software Version number jdk 21 springboot 3.1.5 springcloud 2022.0.4 Scene recurrence pom file <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> […]

Install redis-cluster three hosts and six instances

1. Prepare the environment: three clean virtual machines and turn off the firewall and selinux redis-1 7001 7002 redis-2 7003 7004 redis-3 7005 7006 2. Install redis Use the script installation given above or other installation methods. Please change the script installation to the available yum source. 3. Configure different nodes and […]

[Redis] Redis and SSM integration&Redis annotation caching&Redis solves caching problems

1. Integration of Redis and ssm 1.1 pom.xml configuration Configure related redis files in pom.xml redis file: <redis.version>2.9.0</redis.version> <redis.spring.version>1.7.1.RELEASE</redis.spring.version> <dependency> <groupId>redis.clients</groupId> <artifactId>jedis</artifactId> <version>${redis.version}</version> </dependency> The entire pom.xml file: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <project xmlns=”http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0″ xmlns:xsi=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance” xsi:schemaLocation=”http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd”> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>org.example</groupId> <artifactId>ssm2</artifactId> <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version> <packaging>war</packaging> <name>ssm2 Maven Webapp</name> <!– FIXME change it to the project’s website –> <url>http://www.example.com</url> <properties> […]

SpringBoot AOP + Redis delayed double deletion to ensure data consistency

SpringBoot AOP + Redis Delayed double deletion ensures data consistency 1. Business scenario 1.1 Problems When using Redis as a cache, there will be inconsistencies between the data in Redis and the database data. In the subsequent query process, it will take a long time to check Redis first, thus The occurrence of queried data […]

[Redis] Mastering Chapter–Integrating Redis and SSM

Welcome Huihui’s Code World ! !? ? Let’s take a look at the related operations of Redis written by Huihui Table of Contents Welcome Huihui’s Code World! ! 1. Integration of Redis and SSM 1. Add Redis dependency 2.Related configurations of spring-redis.xml ①Register a redis.properties applicationContext ②.Configure data source [Connection Pool] ③.Connect factory ④.Configure serializer […]