Array and Slice in go language

Some languages use arrays as commonly used basic data structures, such as JavaScript. However, arrays in Golang tend to be positioned as an underlying data structure, recording a continuous piece of memory space data. However, in the Go language, we rarely use arrays directly. In most scenarios, we will directly use the more flexible slice […]

Go data structures – arrays, slices and maps

Go data structures-arrays, slices and maps Created: October 14, 2023 2:44 PM Class: Golang Type: master Reviewed: No There are three data structures in the Go language that allow users to manage collection data: arrays, slices, and maps. These three data structures are part of the core of the Go language and are widely used […]

Drag-and-drop form designer – large file segmentation breakpoint upload, drag-and-drop file selection, slice upload, breakpoint resume upload, and upload concurrent number control

Effect display Technical keywords Front-end: vue3 + element-plus + axios Backend: node + express + multer/php Complete code github complete code Drag and drop to select files Drag-and-drop upload uses the HTML5 feature dragover to implement drag-and-drop upload. There are many ready-made examples. <label class=”split-upload-file” @dragover=”fileDragOver” @drop=”fileDrop”> <input ref=”inputEl” style=”display: none” type=”file” multiple=”multiple” @change=”onFileChange” /> […]

Go language arrays and slices

Array An array is a collection of elements of the same type. For example, the set of integers 5, 8, 9, 79, 76 forms an array. Mixing values of different types, such as arrays containing both strings and integers, is not allowed in Go. Statement Arrays are of type [n]T. n represents the number of […]

Understand Array and Slice in Go

Introduction In Go, Arrays and Slices are data structures composed of ordered sequences of elements. These datasets are ideal for use when many related values need to be processed. They allow you to keep data together where it should be, compress code, and perform the same methods and operations on multiple values at once. Although […]

[Unity3D] Making a progress bar – making the image have both Filled (progress bar) and Sliced (nine-square grid) functions

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; #if UNITY_2017_4 || UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER using UnityEngine.U2D; #endif using Sprites = UnityEngine.Sprites; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; // Custom Editor to order the variables in the Inspector similar to Image component [CustomEditor( typeof( SlicedFilledImage ) ), CanEditMultipleObjects] public class SlicedFilledImageEditor : Editor {<!– –> private SerializedProperty spriteProp, colorProp; private […]

uCOSIII real-time operating system 5 task API (time slice rotation API scheduling)

Time slice rotation scheduling Time slice rotation method: mainly used for process scheduling in time-sharing systems. In order to implement round-robin scheduling, the system arranges all ready processes into the first process of a queue according to the first-in, first-out principle, and allows the CPU to run for a time slice. A time slice is […]