Example of custom SQL statements using case/when statements to implement paging queries and classification sorting in JPA programming

1. Requirement background Query the list of work orders initiated by me and invited by me. It requires paging query. The specific requirements for sorting are: Sort by status first, with unprocessed items at the front Then sort by handler, those who were invited are ranked first, and those who initiated themselves are ranked last. […]

Paging and dynamic sorting of List through Stream

Article directory Paging and dynamic sorting of List through Stream Maven dependencies used ListUtil code test test code result Paging and dynamically sorting List through Stream During development, some scenarios require paging or sorting data according to a certain field. This can usually be done in the database. However, business requirements often require more business […]

Quicksort——an elegant sorting algorithm

? write in front ? ? Hello everyone, I am xiaoxie. I hope that after reading this, please forgive me for any shortcomings and let us make progress together? . ? This article was originally written by xiaoxie? CSDN If you need to reprint it, please notify Personal homepage: xiaoxie?-CSDN blog Column series: xiaoxie’s algorithm […]

Advanced Python Algorithms: Bucket Sorting and Radix Sorting

Advanced Python Algorithm: Bucket Sorting and Radix Sorting Introduction What is bucket sort? Basic steps of bucket sorting Example of bucket sort What is radix sort? Basic steps of radix sort Example of radix sort Application of bucket sorting and radix sorting Application of bucket sorting Application of radix sort Python sample code Summary Introduction […]

Algorithm design and analysis—–sorting algorithm

1. Selection sorting The worst and average time complexity of insertion sort are both ) #include<iostream> using namespace std; //Implement selection sorting //The worst-case and average-case time complexity are both O(n^2) //Sort in place, space complexity is O(1) int main() { int arr[10] = { 23, 6, 1, 6, 45, 20, 15, 36, 5, 24 […]

Data structure sorting algorithm (simple selection, fast, half insertion sorting)

Table of Contents 1. Simple selection sorting 2. Quick sort 3. Half-way insertion sort 4. Data analysis 5. Source code analysis 1. Simple selection sort //Simple selection sorting void selection_sort(zstu &S,int sum){ bool desc; cout<<“Please enter the sorting method (1 means from high to low and vice versa 0….):”<<endl; cin>>desc; for(int i=0;i<sum-1;i + + ){ […]