Subscriber of Fast DDS

Directory Subscriber SubscriberQos SubscriberListener Create Subscriber DataReader SampleInfo Read data Get data through callback Processed by starting a waiting thread Subscriber plays the role of a container, and there can be many DataReaders in it. They use the same SubscriberQos configuration of Subscriber. Subscriber can carry DataReader objects of different Topics and data types. Subscriber […]

Use the SpringBoot project to connect mqtt to implement message processing between publishers and subscribers

Build MQTT server and client (Windows):{“type”:”blog”,”rType”:”article”,” rId”:”133821761″,”source”:”weixin_42113716″} Project structure: 1. The first step is to add the pom package: <!–mqtt–> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-integration</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.integration</groupId> <artifactId>spring-integration-stream</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.integration</groupId> <artifactId>spring-integration-mqtt</artifactId> </dependency> 2. In the second step, add the yml file as follows: server: port: 9999 spring: mqtt: username: admin # Username password: admin_public […]

Timer/timer publisher and subscriber, use of Subscribar/text box subscription mode

1. Timer operation 1.1 Implementation /// Timer publisher and subscriber struct TimerBootcamp: View { // Timer publisher timer1/timer3/timer5 = 1.0, timer2 = 2.0, timer4 = 0.5 let timer = Timer.publish(every: 1, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect() // —1— // Computed property current time @State var currentDate = Date() var dateFormatter: DateFormatter{ let formatter = DateFormatter() //formatter.dateStyle […]

Publisher publisher and subscriber subscriber

talker #include “ros/ros.h”/* ros header file */ #include “std_msgs/String.h”/*String.h file in std_msgs package */ #include <sstream> int main (int argc, char **argv) {<!– –> ros::init(argc,argv,”talker”);/* Initialize ros */ ros::NodeHandle n;/* Create a handle for this node */ ros::Publisher chatter_pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::String>(“chatter”,1000); /* Tell the master node to publish a message of type std_msgs::String on the […]

Programmatic implementation of Subscriber

Directory 1. Topic model 1. Icon 2. Description Second, the realization process 1. Create subscriber code (C++) 2. Configure publisher code compilation rules 3. Compile and run 3. Create subscriber code (Python version) One, topic model 1. Icon 2. Description ROS Master: manage all nodes Main node: Publisher (turtlesim): The publisher of the message, the […]

[Do ROS2 robot system development by hand 4] Use C++ to write simple publishers and subscribers

Using C++ to write simple publishers and subscribers Directory Writing a simple publisher and subscriber using C++ implementation 1. Programming 1. Create a code directory 2. Create a software package 3. Test compilation ?edit 4. Print and restore the environment directory of the package – used to remove deleted package references 5. Set the system […]

(3) Workspace and function package, Publisher, Subscriber

Directory 1. Create workspace and function package 1. Workspace 2. Create a function package 3. Compile the new function package 4. Environment variables 5. Two important files in the function package 2. Programmatic implementation of Publisher (1) C++ version (2) Python version 3. Programming implementation of Subscriber (1) C++ version (2) Python version 1. Create […]

Subscriber of fastDDS

Subscription defines the association between DataReader and Subscriber. In order to receive published messages, the application needs to create a new DataReader from the Subscriber. This DataReader will be bound to a Topic that describes the type of data it will receive, and then start receiving data from Publishers that match this Topic. When the […]

How to use publishers, subscribers and topic messages for ROS development?

Article directory 0 Preface 1. Create a publisher (velocity publisher → geometry topic message → turtlesim subscriber ) 2. Create a subscriber (turtlesim publisher→turtlesim topic message→pose subscriber) 3. Custom topic message 4. Use custom topic message (person publisher→custom topic message →person subscriber) 0. Introduction Because the research topic involves ROS development, the author has studied […]