Recursive function ternary expression

Table of contents 1: Recursive function 2: Algorithm Dichotomy Three: Ternary expression Four: List generation Five: Dictionary generation Six: Anonymous functions One: recursive function Recursive function: The function calls itself directly or indirectly during operation The official website states: python’s default maximum recursion depth is 1,000 times Framework View the maximum number of recursions importsys […]

[System Security 12] Disassembly-if-else, ternary operator

0x1 if-else branch 4 states of if-else branch 1.1 Simple if-else branch with constant as judgment condition C source code: Single-layer if-else judgment, constants are judgment conditions int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int nTest = 1; if (nTest>0) printf(“Hello world!\r\\ “); else printf(“Hello everybody!\r\\ “); return 0; } The if-else branch uses inverse ratio. […]

Ternary expressions, list comprehensions, generator expressions, recursion, anonymous functions, built-in functions

One ternary expression, list comprehension, generator expression A ternary expression name=input(‘Name>>: ‘) res=’SB’ if name == ‘alex’ else ‘NB’ print(res) #1. Example egg_list=[] for i in range(10): egg_list.append(‘Egg %s’ %i) egg_list=[‘Egg %s’ %i for i in range(10)] #2. Grammar [expression for item1 in iterable1 if condition1 for item2 in iterable2 if condition2 … for itemN […]

Python recursive function, ternary expression

Article directory 1. Recursive function 2. Algorithm Dichotomy What is an algorithm? Algorithm application scenarios 3. Ternary expression 4. Generative expression 1. Recursive function Functions can not only be nested defined, but also nested called. That is, in the process of calling a function, another function is called within the function. The recursive calling of […]

Understand JavaScript operators in one article – logical, comparison, ternary and more JS operators

Based on the type of operations these JS operators perform, we can divide them into seven groups: arithmetic operators assignment operator comparison operator Logical Operators ternary operator operator type bitwise operator Arithmetic operators Arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical operations such as addition and subtraction. These operators are often used with numeric data types, […]

js operators and expressions (unary operators, assignment operators, relational operators (comparison operators), logical operators, ternary operators)

Directory 1. JavaScript operators and expressions 1.1. Basic concepts 1.2. Arithmetic operators 1.3. Unary operator 1.4. Assignment operator 1.5. Relational operators (comparison operators) 1.6. Logical operators 1.7. Ternary operator 1.8. Operator precedence 1. JavaScript operators and expressions 1.1. Basic concepts JavaScript describes a set of operators used to operate data values, including unary operators ( […]

C++Enhancement of C++ language to C language ④ (ternary operator in C language – cannot be used as an lvalue | enhanced ternary operator in C++ language | ternary operator in C language can be used as an lvalue)

Article directory 1. Ternary operator in C language 2. The ternary operator in C language cannot be used as an lvalue 3. Enhancement of ternary operator in C++ language 4. The ternary operator in C language is used as an lvalue 1. Ternary operator in C language The “ternary operator” in C language, is also […]