difflib xlrd fuzzy lookup

import tkinter as tk import pyttsx3 import difflib import xlrd # Initialize the speech synthesis engine engine = pyttsx3.init() # read Excel data workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(‘data.xls’)#Question sheet = workbook. sheet_by_index(0) data = {sheet.cell_value(i, 0): sheet.cell_value(i, 1) for i in range(1, sheet.nrows)} def get_closest_answer(keyword): #Answer # Find questions containing keywords in the question list closest_question = […]

Use of txt, xlrd, xlwt, openpyxl

Summarize txt —–(automated log) xlrd only supports reading. xlsx, xls. If there is none, create a new one, and if there is one, modify it. index starts from 0 xlwt only supports writing. xlsx, xls. If there is none, create a new one, and if there is one, modify it. index starts from 0 openpyxl […]

Python uses pandas or xlrd, xlwt to implement a series of packages such as reading, adding, appending, deleting, duplicate value processing, missing value processing, obtaining the number of rows, columns, obtaining one row, one column of data, etc.

Not to mention, it’s another day of making wheels. Here I want to seriously criticize CSDN or Baidu for fishing in troubled waters. Some people upload and post blogs even when the code reports an error, or they are headline party. The code does not report an error but it does not realize that function […]

Python|xlwt|xlrd|Adjust cell style (background, font, alignment, dotted border, column width and row height, add formula)|xlutils|openpyxl|Read-only and write-only|Charts|Language Basics 50 Lessons: Learning (8)

Article directory Original project address Other related resources can refer to Lesson 24: Reading and writing Excel files with Python-1 Introduction to Excel Install Read Excel file (row and column indexes start from `0`) write Excel file Adjust cell style (background, font, alignment, dotted border, column width and row height, add formula) Modify the background […]

python operation excel (openpyxl, xlrd&xlwt)

Table of Contents Compare xlwt, openpyxl, xlrd icon Measured xlrd & amp;xlwt read and write operations Install read operation write operation Excel time processing xldate_as_tuple xlrd. xldate_as_tuple(xldate, datemode) xlrd.xldate.xldate_as_datetime(xldate, datemode) openpyxl read and write operations openpyxl read to write Compare xlwt, openpyxl, xlrd Icon To quote someone else’s picture: xlwt does not support writing xlsx […]

[National Python] Python data processing Excel data xlrd xlwt xlutils module application

Directory I. Introduction 2. Installation of xlrd xlwt xlutils library 3. Reading and writing of Excel 1. Create an Excel table xls 2. Read the Excel table 3. Modify the form 1. Preface Data processing is a major application scenario of Python, and Excel is currently the most popular data processing software. Therefore, when using […]

[Solved] When python uses xlrd to read xlsx file, an error occurs: XLRDError: Excel xlsx file; not supported

When using xlrd to read the xlsx file, an error will be reported: XLRDError: Excel xlsx file; not supported from xlrd import open_workbook th = open_workbook(r’file.xlsx’) It’s because the new version of xlrd does not support xlsx files, only xls files, xlrd has removed support for anything other than xls files. 1. If you want […]