STM32CubeMX&Keil–USART serial communication and interrupt of STM32F103C8T6

Article directory 1. Serial communication (1) Serial protocol and RS-232 standard 1. Serial communication protocol 2.RS232 serial port standard 3.RS232 level 4.TTL level 5.The difference between RS232 level and TTL level (1) Voltage (2. area (3) Interface circuit Summarize: (2) Working principle of USB/TTL to 232″ module CH340C module 2. Use HAL library for USART […]

threejs (1) Create a cube

Introduction npm install three import * as THREE from ‘three’; const scene = new THREE.Scene(); Or use bootCDN to copy the corresponding version connection <script src=”//”></script> Basic knowledge Scene, camera, renderer Create a scene through THREE.Scene: a container for the 3D world. All objects must be placed in this scene, including the background, etc. Geometry: […]

STM32F334 series and G474 series HRTIMCubeMax configuration explanation and four-way complementary full bridge

Foreword The main purpose of this article is to introduce the related use and configuration process of HRTIM. Compared with ordinary TIM, the most significant feature of HRTIM is that it can multiply the frequency to a maximum of 32 times. For example, F334 can reach 4.68GHZ and G474 can reach 5.44GHZ. This allows the […]

Stm32f103c8t6 LED water lamp implemented based on stm32CubeMX and HAL library, and interrupt control of the working status of the water lamp

Table of Contents 1. stm32CubeMX environment construction 1.1 Install the Java environment (you need to install Java if it is not installed) 1.2 Install STM32CubeMX 2. Create a new project, configure the environment, and generate KEIL code 2.1 New construction 2.2 Pinout &Configuration (port configuration) 2.2.1 GPIO configuration 2.2.2 RCC configuration 2.2.3 SYS configuration 2.2.4 […]

The problem that pwm output cannot enter the timer interrupt in STM32CubeIDE

I encountered a problem today. After configuring the timer in MX and turning on the timer’s count overflow NVIC, I used HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_IT( & amp;htim1, TIM_CHANNEL_1) in the main function. The program still cannot enter the timer overflow interrupt. Configure timer 1 channel 1 to PWM mode Configure timer 1, divide by 64 times, count upward, […]

9.2CubeMx configures the SD card FATFS system_stm32H7 series SD card FR_NO_FILESYSTEM and cannot find the FatFs system problem

Problem phenomenon: Configure SDMMC, Fatfs, and enable built-in DMA through CubeMx; at this time, the configuration and generation project can mount the SD card and access files normally; Then add FMC. At this time, you need to enable the MPU memory protection unit and Cache; generate the project. At this time, [retSD = f_mount( & […]

The most detailed STM32,cubeMX light up led

This article will introduce in detail how to light an LED on the stm32103 board. Article directory Preface 1. Set up the development environment. 2. Interpretation of LED schematic diagram 3. What is GPIO 4. cubeMX configuration project 5. Interpret the code generated by cubeMX 6. Delay function 7. Control pin status function Light up […]

STM32CUBEMX_DMA serial port idle interrupt reception + receive and send buffer

STM32CUBEMX_DMA serial port idle interrupt reception + receive and send buffer Foreword: The ways I know about serial port receiving instructions are: Insert picture description here 1. Receive data interrupt + specific frame end 2. Receive data interrupt + idle interrupt 3. DMA reception + idle interrupt I recommend the third option the most, especially […]