Front-end pdf preview solution (positioning, highlighting, page switching, style customization)

Foreword PDF.js is an open source JavaScript library developed by Mozilla for parsing and rendering PDF files on web pages. It does not rely on any external servers or plug-ins and runs directly in the browser. PDF.js supports multiple platforms and devices, including desktop, mobile, and embedded Environment: browser side Technology selection: pdf.js Download address: […]

Customization of WPF window Title

Table of Contents 1. WindowChrome 1.ResizeBorderThickness 2.CaptionHeight 3. CornerRadius 4. GlassFrameThickness 5. NonClientFrameEdges 6. UseAeroCaptionButtons 7. IsHitTestVisibleInChrome 2. Adorner, Decorator and AdornerDecorator 3. Freely change the display of Title and retain the zoom in, zoom out and close buttons. 4. Freely change the display of Title, hide the zoom in, zoom out and close buttons, […]

Customization of chart auxiliary elements (axis labels, scale ranges and scale labels, titles and legends, display grids)

Table of Contents Understand commonly used auxiliary elements in charts Example 1: 2019 Chinese movie box office rankings (axis labels, scale range and scale labels) Example 2: Alipay monthly bill report (add title and legend) Example 3: Relationship between car speed and braking distance (adding grid) Understand the commonly used auxiliary elements of charts Demonstrate […]

Customization of chart auxiliary elements (including examples) 1

1. Set the axis label (1) Set x, y axis coordinates x-axis syntax: xlabel(xlabel, fontdict=none, labelpad=none, **kwargs) Y-axis syntax: ylabel(ylabel, fontdict=none, labelpad=none, **kwargs) Suppose you have a sine and cosine graph and insert xy axes for it. #Import module import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Set Chinese plt.rcParams[‘’] = ‘SimHei’ plt.rcParams[‘axes.unicode_minus’] = False […]

Personalized sound customization using sambert-hifigan fine-tuning

Use sambert-hifigan fine-tuning to achieve personalized sound customization Basic concepts TTS(text-to-speech): Text to speech. Input: text Output: audio Voice Cloning: Imitating the voice of a specific person. Input: text information + audio, output: audio corresponding to the text information. Voice Conversion: Change an existing voice recording to sound like another person or speak with a […]

vue-quill-editor customization and video related

vue-quill-editor rich text editor uploads video_vue-quill-editor uploads video_* Qie Ting Feng Yin’s Blog-CSDN Blog vue + elementui + custom Vue-Quill-Editor rich text box (1)_quill-editor line spacing-CSDN blog <template> <div class=”quill-edit-container”> <quill-editor ref=”myQuillEditor” v-model=”content” :options=”editorOption” @blur=”onEditorBlur” @focus=”onEditorFocus” @change=”onEditorChange” /> <el-upload action=”#” :before-upload=”beforeUploadVideo” name=”files” class=”pictureQuillVideo” :on-success=”handleVideoSuccess” :show-file-list=”false” style=”display: none” :http-request=”uploadfile” /> </div> </template> <script> import { quillEditor […]

ReportNG customization failure screenshots and logs

First pull the source code of reportNg from github reportng After pulling down the source code, we use IDEA to import it. 1. adds some classification entries Here we add directly at the end log=Log Info screenshot=Screen Shot duration=Duration 2. results.html.vm modifies the html of the results. We currently only modify the fail case. […]

libevent customization – libevent custom multi-threading

libevent customized multi-threading Article directory libevent customized multi-threading Enable multithreading Customized multi-threading Use of debug lock When writing multi-threaded programs, it is not always safe to access the same data from multiple threads at the same time. Libevent’s structure usually works in three ways under multi-threading: Some structures are inherently single-threaded: it is always unsafe […]