Docker modifies the Digests value of the image

I encountered something at work recently. I exported an image from a local virtual machine and imported it to the server. I found that the digests of the image were . After searching online for a long time, I found that there was no relevant solution. The source code on the server was based on […]

Apache Commons Digester 2 (Rule module binding-RulesModule, asynchronous parsing-asyncParse, xml variable Substitutor, parameterized constructor)…

Foreword The previous article gave a basic introduction to Digester, and we have already understood the basic usage of Digester. Next, we will continue to learn its related features. This article mainly covers the following contents: Rule module binding, by defining a RulesModule interface implementation class to complete the pre-binding of rules, and reuse it […]

Apache Commons Digester 3 (Rule Annotations)

Foreword In addition to directly adding new rules to the Digester object in the code, the definition of Digester rules can also be configured using XML, as shown below: <digester-rules> <pattern value=”*/foo”> <object-create-rule pattern=”bar” classname=”Foobar” /> <set-properties-rule pattern=”bar” /> </pattern> </digester-rules> Obviously, XML rule configuration is no longer a mainstream method. The future trend will […]

MySQL slow query analysis tool pt-query-digest

1. Introduction pt-query-digest is a tool used to analyze mysql slow queries. It can analyze binlog, general log, slowlog, and can also be analyzed through SHOWPROCESSLIST or MySQL protocol data captured through tcpdump. The analysis results can be output to a file. The analysis process is to first parameterize the conditions of the query statement, […]

[Securinets CTF Quals 2023] PolyLCG DigestiveV2

PolyLCG The first question is an LCG problem. Two sequences are generated through a bunch of parameters. If the flag bit is 1, the x sequence is output, and the y sequence is output when the flag bit is 0. from random import randint xcoeff=[22208811655020598734032926383525632836720477880970004742464725470361498806737949351909533174954138225160517355011839 96484673938426874803787946897055911986,378086807123516021536719977095265697270951098314650321169286929683625451962076873735 6081836837102329626660962468333562050121427935761471039362287802941597,4902413424318450578332022710023815992030030940432088 134156375736636296016273860394626141407089100644225364129305706233708267009976783719598126300552264686] ycoeff=[1013363099357662791626002555050410687840525340984419362060833812997868523627836202926635369000695519481807438739035 0472504283291952199370441443295790407675,3364000239596805500788439152587586988694473612770420810400457954622820421525205173 981972752548906690775960238564395459369815397933405749174182967563999094, 5184466564604150683447715719961919989718796968566 745874607480183961791804239357212974694797397047787503590843234526492414458478882622032364603797888695699] p=103695397049795203453769437880904572967015187772681131223764434749300736127952976911855977894739737894673031216391400645 04782927997022419913721978857764263 […]

JDK implementation of symmetric encryption and message digest

Major implementation of modern ciphers Symmetric encryption The symmetric encryption algorithm has two processes of encryption and decryption, and the encryption and decryption use the same secret key. The symmetric encryption algorithms are mainly DES and AES, and the AES algorithm is more secure. In JDK, both DES and AES algorithms provide implementations. message digest […]

mysql (four) use pt-query-digest to analyze slow query logs

Table of Contents Introduction to pt-query-digest pt-query-digest install Use of pt-query-digest Instructions for use Example of use pt-query-digest analyzes slow logs Check the related configuration of slow database query Analyzing pt-query-digest output Part 1: General information of output results Part 2: Output Queue Group Statistics Part 3: Output the details of each column query Visualize […]

Centos7 installs pt-query-digest slow query tool and practice

Install 1) Download the percona-toolkit toolkit wget 2) Unzip tar -zxvf percona-toolkit.tar.gz 3) Enter the installation directory cd /home/percona-toolkit-3.1.0 4) Install the perl module and make a dependency path perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/usr/local/percona-toolkit The error is as follows: Can’t locate ExtUtils/ in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5 /vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at Makefile.PL […]

jdk MessageDigest MD5 SHA encryption

illustrate: In the website, in order to protect the confidential information such as user names and passwords of website members, we directly encrypt them in MD5 or other ways when users register. Even the database administrator cannot view the member’s password and other information. Check the password effect in the database such as: 8e830882f03b2cb84d1a657f346dd41a effect. […]

Asymmetric Encrypted Data Signature Data Digest

Article directory Asymmetric Encryption Review Data Digest and Data Signature code example two-way encryption Review of Asymmetric Encryption In the previous article, we explained the scenario of asymmetric encryption in detail. The party with the public key can use the public key to encrypt the data, and then send the data to the owner of […]