MT4 software—Gann theory indicator Fibonacci sector line top and bottom formula source code

I want to find some foreign exchange MT4 indicators. The source code is attached. It can assist when trading. You can refer to it when writing indicators. You can edit it when you want to improve it. Gann’s theory believes that financial investment markets such as stocks and futures also have natural rules in the […]

From Fibonacci Sequence to Tower of Hanoi: Recursive Thoughts in Programming Python Learning Mathematics

The idea of recursion in programming refers to a method of solving problems that uses functions to call their own characteristics and decompose a complex problem into smaller sub-problems until the sub-problems can be solved directly. The advantage of recursion is that it can make the code concise and clear, and it is suitable for […]

Optimization-Fibonacci Sequence (fibonacci) Optimization Method Algorithm Principle and Code Implementation

1. Model introduction The Fibonacci sequence is also called the rabbit sequence. Its values are: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34… Mathematically, this sequence is defined by the following recursive method: F(0)=1, F(1)=1, F(n)=F(n – 1) + F(n – 2) (n ≥ 2, n ∈ N*). This article introduces the fibonacci sequence […]

Data structure experiment – implementing interpolation and Fibonacci search

Implement interpolation and Fibonacci search< /u> Experiment 1.1 Experimental content The so-called search, also known as retrieval, is to find data elements that meet certain conditions in a collection of data elements. Regarding the search of ordered tables, there are half search, interpolation search, Fibonacci search, etc. Their principles and implementation methods are different, and […]

[Dynamic Programming] They are Tabonacci numbers, not Fibonacci numbers

Problem: 1137. Nth Tabonacci number Article directory Question interpretation Problem solving method dp dynamic programming Iterative optimization? the complexity Code Explanation of the question First, let’s explain the meaning of this question I believe that when readers see [Tepbonacci Numbers], they can’t help but think of [Fibonacci Numbers]. They are twin brothers. This Tepbonacci Number […]

[Dynamic Programming]: 509. Fibonacci numbers, 70. Climbing stairs, 746. Climbing stairs with minimum cost

Tips: Live hard and have a happy day Article directory 509. Fibonacci numbers Problem-solving ideas Problems encountered Code Summary of the question 70. Climb the stairs Problem-solving ideas Problems encountered Code Summary of the question 746. Climb the stairs with minimum cost Problem-solving ideas Problems encountered Code Summary of the question Today’s experience 509. Fibonacci […]

Find the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence (iterative + recursive double solution) + frog jumping problem

Table of Contents Preface: Summary of issues related to the Fibonacci sequence 1. Find the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence (iterative + recursive double solution) 1.What is Fibonacci Sequence 1.1. Introduction 1.1.1.Definition 1.1.2 Form widely used: 2. Iterative method: 2.1 Ideas 2.2 Code implementation 3. Recursive method: 3.1 Ideas 3.2 Code implementation 2. The […]

Multi-way recursion to find the nth term of Fibonacci

Article directory introduce Two main concepts of this article: Use multi-way recursion to solve the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence Solution process display and algorithm analysis of multi-path recursive method Iterative method to solve the nth term of Fibonacci sequence Display of the solution process and algorithm analysis of the iterative method Frog climbing […]