jstack java stack tracing tool

jstack java stack tracing tool 1. Introduction to jstack jstack (stack trace for java) is a stack tracing tool that comes with the Java virtual machine. jstack is mainly used to generate a thread snapshot of the current moment of the Java virtual machine. The thread snapshot is the method currently being executed by each […]

Java thread monitoring jvisualvm and jstack

Five states of threads New: new Run: runnable Waiting: waiting (waiting indefinitely), timed waiting (waiting within a time limit) blocked: blocked End: terminated Thread conversion relationship Two monitoring methods for threads 1. Graphical interface method: jvisualvm Before monitoring, first add monitoring parameters to the jvm. In the catalina.sh file in the bin directory of tomcat, […]

[Java executable commands] (21) Thread snapshot generation tool jstack: Help developers analyze and troubleshoot thread-related problems (deadlock, infinite loop, thread blocking…)

jstack of Java executable commands 1 concept 2 Advantages and disadvantages 3 use 3.1 Syntax format 3.2 Use steps and skills 3.3 Use cases 4 Application scenarios Summarize 1 concept The jstack command is a diagnostic tool provided in the Java Development Kit (JDK) to generate thread snapshots of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Its […]

Linux troubleshooting java cpu too high problem, JPS, JMAP, JSTAT, JSTACK and JCMD

code: [root@localhost cpu]# cat Test.java public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { new Thread(()->{ System.out.println(“11111″); while(true) { } },”thread1”).start(); new Thread(()->{ System.out.println(“2222″); try { Thread. sleep(100000L); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } },”thread2”).start(); new Thread(()->{ System.out.println(“33333”); try { Thread. sleep(100000L); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } […]

Use the jstack command to analyze the problem of high CPU usage

Environment Ubuntu 22.04 JDK Introduction The jstack command prints Java stack traces of Java threads for a specified Java process Usage: jstack [-l][-e] options: -l : long listing. Prints additional information about locks -e : extended listing. Prints additional information about threads Test Java code below: package pkg1; public class Test0608 {<!– –> public […]

[Solved] [Solutions where jstack and arthas cannot be used in k8s] 1: Unable to get pid of LinuxThreads manager thread

[Solutions where jstack and arthas cannot be used in k8s] 1: Unable to get pid of LinuxThreads manager thread Using the alpine image, jstack and arthas cannot connect to the java process with pid 1 Execution result in k8s container / # jstack 1 1: Unable to get pid of LinuxThreads manager thread Solution: Startup […]