Logstash deployment and use

Introduction to Logstash Logstash is an open source, server-side data processing pipeline that can receive data from multiple sources, transform them, and finally send them to a specified type of destination. Logstash implements various functions through the plug-in mechanism. You can download plug-ins with various functions from Logstash Plugins · GitHub, or you can write […]

yum quickly installs zookeeper and Kafka cluster deployment es installation logstash installation kibina word segmenter redis

Zookeeper installation Kafka is based on Zookeeper to achieve distributed coordination, so you need to set up a Zookeeper node before building a Kafka node. Both Zookeeper and Kafka depend on JDK. I installed JDK first: Install jdk yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk* -y 1 [[email protected] ~]# java –version java 11.0.5 2019-10-15 LTS Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment […]

Install logstash to synchronize data and register system services in Windows environment

Install logstash to synchronize data and register system services in Windows environment This method is suitable for Windows environment. The same configuration file configures multiple pipes and configures system services to prevent the program from being killed. 1. Install logstash (1) Download the compressed package and modify the logstash-sample.conf file in the config folder after […]

A single logstash file collects multiple filebeat logs

One Background Description I have installed logstash now and configured only one file. I want to collect the logs of nginx and java at the same time. nginx should display the IP address, country and city, status code, etc., and java should display the specific content of the log. 2 nginx filebeat settings filebeat.inputs: # […]

Logstash configures the mysql data source. Mysql-connector-java-8.0.13.jar does not have read permission or does not load data.

Logstash configures mysql data source, mysql-connector-java-8.0.13.jar does not have read permission [2023-09-19T11:44:11,226][ERROR][logstash.javapipeline][main][63a9fa48345e7ff6aa5948ba8c28fc5cf05d96b9dd7e1d35dd28429202350ad3] A plugin had an unrecoverable error. Will restart this plugin. Pipeline_id:main Plugin: <LogStash::Inputs::Jdbc jdbc_user=>”root”, schedule=>”0 1 * * *”, jdbc_password=><password>, statement=>”SELECT * FROM *** “, jdbc_driver_library=>”mysql-connector-java-8.0.13.jar”, jdbc_connection_string=>”jdbc:mysql://***?useUnicode=true &characterEncoding =UTF-8 & serverTimezone=UTC & useSSL=false & allowMultiQueries=true”, id=>”63a9fa48345e7ff6aa5948ba8c28fc5cf05d96b9dd7e1d35dd28429202350ad3″, jdbc_driver_class=>”com. mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver” , enable_metric=>true, codec=><LogStash::Codecs::Plain id=>”plain_5b2c39bc-2e29-46d5-a23c-26a60bc31ab8″, enable_metric=>true, […]

ElasticSearch7.x Series 3: Use of Logstash

Table of contents Preface Logstash configuration file Database driven Configuration file writing: Just take a look, the focus is on multi-table synchronization configuration Configuration file, read SQLserver database export to txt and ElasticSearch Input source explanation Output explanation start up Multi-table synchronization: important, very important Configuration explanation What does filter do? sql statement pit Database […]

Logstash collects multiple types of logs, uses if judgment, converts Tomcat access logs to json and collects them (section 3)

highlight: a11y-dark theme: juejin 3. Collect logs through logstash 3.1. Collect single logs through logstash and use if judgment The prerequisite is that the logstash user has read permissions for the collected log files and write permissions for the written files. web1(106) Install openjdk apt install openjdk-8-jdk -y download Installation package: nginx, logstash cd /usr/local/src/ […]