Local construction of Elastic Stack (Elasticsearch + kibana + Logstash + FileBeat + APM) 7.17.14 version

Local construction of Elastic Stack (Elasticsearch + kibana + Logstash + FileBeat + APM) 7.17.14 version 1. Foreword: 1. This article is a non-cluster environment configuration description for the installation of Elastic Stack version 7.17.14. If you are using the 8.x version of the Elastic Stack product, this article does not apply. 2. The example […]

elasticsearch data migration logstash

Directory of series articles Chapter 1 es cluster construction Chapter 2 Basic Operation Commands of ES Cluster Chapter 3 es implements encryption authentication based on search-guard plug-in Chapter 4 es commonly used plug-ins Chapter 5 es data migration elasticdump Article directory Table of Contents of Series Articles Preface 1. What is logstash? 2. Full data […]

Detailed tutorial on Springboot integrated docker deployment of ELK (ElasticSearch, Kibana, LogStash)

1. Server information 1. System: centos7.9 2. Configuration: 2 cores, 8GB memory, 80GB storage 2. Install docker 1. Update data source yum update 2. Set the installed data source (Alibaba) yum-config-manager –add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo 3. Install Docker client yum install docker-ce 4. Check Docker version docker -v 5. Start Docker systemctl start docker 3. Centos7.9 installation […]

filebeat (8.9.0) collects logs to logstash, es sent by logstash

Filebeat collects logs to logstash, and the es sent by logstash Download and configure filebeat download Configuration logback.xml logstash configuration Download and configure filebeat Download refer to Configuration filebeat.inputs: – type: filestream enabled: true paths: # Log file directory – D:\modellog\elkdemo\*\*.log parsers: #Multi-line log merging (such as java exception stack information) – multiline: type: pattern […]

EFLK and logstash filtering

Table of Contents 1. How Filebeat works: 2. Why use Filebeat: 3. The difference between Filebeat and Logstash: 4. Logstash filter plug-in: 5. Filebeat + ELK deployment: 1. Install filebeat: 2. Set the main configuration file of filebeat: 3. Start filebeat: 4. Create a new Logstash configuration file: 6. Use of grok: 1. Built-in regular […]

Elasticsearch series components: Logstash’s powerful log management and data analysis tools

Elasticsearch is an open source, Lucene-based distributed search and analysis engine designed for use in cloud computing environments, enabling real-time, scalable search, analysis, and exploration of full-text and structured data. It is highly scalable and can search and analyze large amounts of data in a short time. Elasticsearch is not only a full-text search engine, […]

Installation in window11 environment: Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana

Installation in window11 environment: Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana [Note] Elasticsearch depends on JDK, so you need to ensure that jdk is installed on the machine in advance; this tutorial is to install Elasticsearch 6.3.3 version (the logstash and kibana versions are the same), which requires jdk1.8 Baidu network disk address: jdk1.8: Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1VsmchceVPo9PDE3zmP514g?pwd=1234 Extraction code: […]

2. Elastic kibana security configuration and Logstash installation

2. Installation of ik word segmenter 2.1 Reference https://blog.csdn.net/u011296165/article/details/107996049?ops_request_misc= & amp;request_id= & amp;biz_id=102 & amp;utm_term=IK tokenizer installation& amp;utm_medium=distribute. pc_search_result.none-task-blog-2~all~sobaiduweb~default-6-107996049.nonecase &spm=1018.2226.3001.4187 2.2 github download ik URL https://github.com/medcl/elasticsearch-analysis-ik/releases/tag/v7.17.3 2.3 Installation Go to the installation directory of elasticsearch and find the bin directory. Execute the elasticsearch-plugin command inside. This command manages the plug-ins in es. The ik word […]